所属专辑:IGCSE Combined Science科学 声音简介 selective breeding 选择育种 natural variety 天然品种 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 科学英语Cathy 155019511 简介:昔谁持种来,尔今佳色开。 TA的专辑 更多 教师资格证中学科目二+面试8005 ...
Selective Breeding Artificial selection orselective breedingis the one of the oldest and most powerful methods in behavioral genetics. In the late 1940s, high and low preferring lines of rats were bred to drink alcohol solutions in preference to water at the University of Chile. Now there are ...
selective breeding selective digestive decontamination selective enrichment selective estrogen receptor modulator selective excitation selective fishing selective grinding selective hypoaldosteronism selective imidazoline receptor agonist selective immunoglobulin A deficiency ...
Understand the definition of selective breeding by exploring the process in both dogs and plants. Related to this QuestionHow does selective breeding take place? How long does genetic mutation take? How long does genetic drift take? When did selective breeding begin? What is the definition of sel...
Selective breeding of penaeid shrimp. In: Shumway, S., Rodrick, G. (Eds.), Shellfish Safety and Quality. Woodhead Publishers, London, pp. 425-452 (Chapter 17).Moss SM, Moss DR (2009) Selective breeding of penaeid shrimp. In: Shumway 5, Rodrick G (eds) Shellfish safety and quality....
Sheep breeding in Burkina Faso is based on small-holders and carried out in extensive conditions with no supplementation. In the Sudan-Sahel environmental area, animals perform communal grazing of native pasture with no restrictions during the dry season and about 12 hours a day during the ...
Breeding and experimental procedures were carried out in accordance with European guidelines for animal research and in accordance with Institut National de la Sante´ et de la Recherche Medicale guidelines for animal care in research, and were approved by the local ethics committee (Comite´ d'...
Since we were able to monitor the vast majority of individuals that appeared in the breeding season, for individuals banded in winter, if it was recorded again in the breeding season, it was regarded to have survived the winter; otherwise, it was regarded to have died in winter. Although ...
In recent years, there has also been increasing evidence in favor of selection acting by means of ‘adaptive introgression’ (Hedricket al., 2013; Racimoet al., 2015). In this scenario, an advantageous mutation is passed on, via interbreeding, from one population or species to another, and...
Previously, substantial researches using the ACRB strain have been conducted to understand the effects of selective breeding (Collins et al., 2016). Combining the present results with the previous report (Kudo et al., 2010), modern broiler strains, Cobb 500 and Chunky (ROSS), have higher ...