选择屏幕事件写在INITIALIZATION和START-OF-SELECTION之间,即:初始化和执行之间的事件 1:AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. 相当于PBO,即:每次选择屏幕调用之前触发,选择屏幕输出之前,可以根据自己的需要改变。 2:AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON. 相当于PAI,即:屏幕操作时,会触发。可以做正确性检查,或者必输项处理等操作。 3:AT...
在SAP 的 ABAP 编程语言中,`AT SELECTION-SCREEN`是一个事件处理程序,用于处理选择屏幕上的用户选择。 `AT SELECTION-SCREEN`事件在用户选择一个项目并按下回车键或者执行其他确认操作后触发。在`AT SELECTION-SCREEN`事件中,你可以编写代码来处理用户的选择,例如更新数据、执行特定的操作或者显示其他屏幕。 以下是一...
(3)SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF TABBED BLOCK <block> FOR n LINES. 定义选项卡或者其他类似于选择页切换的功能组件。具体语法如下: [Syntax] SELECTION-SCREEN: BEGIN OF TABBED BLOCK FOR n LINES, [...] END OF BLOCK . 其中n代表高度,此高度为选择控件的高度。 例1: [Code] TABLES:MARA. *定义子屏...
screen-input = '0' . ENDIF. ENDIF. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDLOOP. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT .事件会被单选控件触发。 Screen的Group1是给用户编程使用的,在前面给控件编组以后,这里可以得到控件的组名称。 Group3是保留属性,通过跟踪,猜测它可能是控件的类型属性,对于TXT和OPU的控件,我们不需要改变它的INPUT属性,...
4User choseBack,Exit, orCancelon the selection screen. Notes The statementCALL SCREENcannot be used to call selection screens, since otherwise the proper execution of the selection screen processing cannot be guaranteed. If the called selection screen is displayed in a dialog window, it is advisab...
ABAP Dynamic Selection Screen using Tabbed Selection Screen_SAP刘梦_新浪博客,可以根据下拉框的选项,动态显示选择屏幕co
The selection screen that you define when you use the PARAMETERS or SELECT-OPTIONS statements on their own, has a standard layout in which all parameters appear line by line. This layout is not always sufficient. For example, when you define a group of radio buttons, you should set off ...
0 Kudos 180 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development An example showing at selection-screen event function please ...Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Former Member 2007 Mar 30 12:28 PM 0 Kudos 140 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi chk this: SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK B1 WITH FRAM...
FAGLB03动态选择屏幕 使用Submit语句 with free selections发现不能传值过去,而使用同样的方式调用FBL5N却能成功,代码如下: submit FAGL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE with free selections LS_TEXPR with selection-table LT_SELTAB and return. 后来通过分析发现FAGLB03除了标准的1000选择屏幕,还有一个未显示的2000屏幕,如下图...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, I have a problem. Is there some way to creat selection-screen button (the same radiobutton group) in different blocks. the err message is [A parameter of the radio group 'GP1' has already been defined in the block 'BLK1'] SELECTION-SCREEN ...