the proposed NJMIM selection criteria is presented in Eq. (26). (26)FNJMIM=argmaxfi∈F−S(minfs∈S(SR(fi,fs;C))),where (27)Symmetricalrelevance=SR(F;C)=I(F;C)H(F,C).Which can be simplified as: (28)FNJMIM=argmaxfi∈F−S(minfs∈S(I(fi,fs;C)H(fi,fs,C))).The ...
In this paper, we have proposed multi-criteria based cluster head/zone head selection scheme in Internet of Things based WSN by considering distinct parameters affecting node energy and network lifetime. These parameters; energy level, distance from neighboring nodes, distance from center of the ...
An effective procedure for feature subset selection in logistic regression based on information criteriaOpen access Published: 17 June 2021 Volume 80, pages 1–32, (2021) Cite this article Download PDF You have full access to this open access article ...
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Entropy is favored as a measure of risk as it is free from dependence on symmetric probability distribution. Credibility theory is applied to evaluate fuzzy mean, skewness and entropy. Hybrid intelligence algorithm is used for simulation. Numerical examples are given in favor of each of the models...
An R function is provided to plot and identify outlier using different criteria from this file. The function is calledplot_bayescanand is located in theplot_R.rfile. The typical usage of the function once loaded into R and being in the right directory is to type: ...
Some examples of the subjective weighting methods in the complex material selection problems to evaluate the importance of the selected criteria are shown in Table1. AHP and BWM methods are observed to be very popular methods for criteria weighting in material selection problems. AHP provides a syst...
(sub)species, has greatly improved productivity in intensive farming systems. Examples include the white seed colour in rice, shown to originate from a single mutation that swept through different subspecies following hybridization5, and the yellow skin allele that is fixed in the majority of modern...
Cheaitou Supplier selection and order allocation with green criteria: an MCDM and multi-objective optimization approach Comput. Oper. Res., 81 (2017), pp. 282-304, 10.1016/j.cor.2016.11.005 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar...
Probabilistic model criteria with decision-theoretic rough sets Information Sciences, 181 (2011), pp. 3709-3722 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [21] W.M. Ma, B.Z. Sun Probabilistic rough set over two universes and rough entropy International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 53...