在安装MySQL时,有时会遇到以下提示信息:“Selecting previously unselected package mysql-common.” 这个提示说明系统检测到MySQL公共组件(mysql-common)尚未被安装,需要选择安装。为了解决这个问题,我们可以按照以下步骤进行操作。 解决步骤 下面我将逐步解释每一步的具体操作和相关代码。 步骤1:打开终端 要打开终端,请按...
Selecting previously unselected package steam:i386. (正在读取数据库 ... 系统当前共安装有 181215 个文件和目录。) 正在解压缩 steam:i386 (从 steam_latest.deb) ... dpkg-deb (子进程):为 写入通向复制的管道时出错 短暂读取缓冲副本 dpkg-deb: error: 子进程 粘贴 返回了错误号 2 dpkg:处理 steam_...
Then the unselected models are removed from the collection, in one go. All remaining models in the collection are selected now. But that status change has not come about because of a selection. So there is no "select:all" event. Put differently, there never is a select:none, select:some...
As mentioned previously, they are not ideal, so we need a way to examine and compare the performance characteristics of the different CMOS families. Figure 1-2 shows a simplified-circuit model of a CMOS switch. Control or Enable CMOS (FET) Switch CF Ci I/O (In) Cio CioA ron CCHNL I...
It iteratively evaluates every previously unselected feature f i with Eq. (7), and selects the feature with the largest value of E(f i ): E(fi)=AUC(fi)−|∑fj∈SRCC(fi,fj)||S|, (7) where AUC(f i ) is the AUC when taking the single feature f i as a classifier, S ...