Selecting MAX value in 1 column based on code in another column? Forum – Learn more on SQLServerCentral
Hello, I'm trying to copy the content of a field to the rest of the fields in the same column. The problem is that now, when I try to select the range of fields (with Shift+down arrow) the scree... ThanksRob_Elliottfor your reply. I'll try to explain it in ...
datetime null value in sql DateTime to string but only for month and day datetime value retreive from data reader Datetime? vs DateTime DateTime.Now using server time - anyone for client location time ? DateTime.Now() to be shown in 24 hour time format Day of week - First letter in upper...
If you need the Maximum of DateCreated and the Maximum ItemNo for this DateCreated:...
When you support users who speak different languages, it is most important to use the Unicode data types nchar, nvarchar, and nvarchar(max) for all character data. Unicode avoids the code page conversion difficulties of the non-Unicode char, varchar, and text data types. Collation still makes...
PopOS - Edge, Version 105.0.1300.1 When navigating to a page with an autofill input (such...
The end goal is to calculate the percentage of change between the 2 values (Metric in the current selected date range and the previous date range). The output should be a single numeric value. For example: Current period order count: 100Previous period order count: 150 Solv...
This is the sql we generate now: SELECT JSON_VALUE([a].[value], '$.Street') AS [Street], JSON_VALUE([a].[value], '$.Zip') AS [Zip], [p].[Id] FROM [Persons] AS [p] CROSS APPLY OPENJSON([p].[Addresses], '$') AS [a] ORDER BY [p].[Id], CAST([a].[key] AS int...
How to set min & max value for range validator from database - Help needed How to set or display an text box control value using Java Script? How to set parameter to return url? How to Set regular expression for accept Arabic and English letters only in Devexpress TextBox ?
The column contains many nulls, but queries often select all rows having a value. In this case, a comparison that matches all the non-null values, such as: WHERE COL_X > -9.99 *power(10,125) is preferable to WHERE COL_X IS NOT NULL ...