st.selectbox(label, options, index=0, format_func=special_internal_function, key=None, help=None, on_change=None, args=None, kwargs=None, *, disabled=False) 参数说明 label (str) 一个简短的标签,向用户解释此选择小部件的用途。 options (Sequence, numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series, pandas.DataFram...
<select id="test" name="test"> <option value="SelectBoxIt is:">SelectBoxIt is:</option> <option value="a jQuery Plugin" disabled>a jQuery Plugin</option> <option value="a Select Box Replacement">a Select Box Replacement</option> <option value="a Stateful UI Widget" disabled>a Statef...
disable Disables the control (i.e. disabled="disabled") enable Enables the control value If passed with a value, sets the control to that value; otherwise returns the current value options If passed either a string of HTML or a JSON object, replaces the existing options; otherwise Returns ...
disableDisables the control (i.e. disabled="disabled") enableEnables the control valueIf passed with a value, sets the control to that value; otherwise returns the current value optionsIf passed either a string of HTML or a JSON object, replaces the existing options; otherwise Returns the opt...
isDisabled() Return true if the dropdown is disabled. on(event, handler [, context]) Register a handler function that will be called whenever event is triggered. The optional context is an object that will be the context of the handler function (the this). Events The ui.SelectBox obje...
isDisabled() Return true if the dropdown is disabled. on(event, handler [, context]) Register a handler function that will be called whenever event is triggered. The optional context is an object that will be the context of the handler function (the this). Events The ui.SelectBox obje...
请注意,选项是基于零的索引,因此必须使用此选项options[source.value - 1]而不是options[source.value...
... <select v-model="iValue" class="form-control" :disabled="disabled"> <template v-if="options.length && options[0] instanceof Object"> <option v-for="(option, index) in options" :value="option.value" :key="index">{{ option.text }}{{ description.text }}</option> </template>...
disabled:disable the component value:define your value here placeholder:placeholder text @input:when an option is selected @open:when opened @close:after closed 4. Possible props & events for theVuePickerOptioncomponent. disabled:disable the option ...