A selectable gain amplifier in a standard integrated circuit package configuration comprises an amplifier having an analog input, an output and a control input for selecting one of two or three possible gains for the operational amplifier. A plurality of selectable gain amplifiers may be in a ...
Figure 1. Using the ADA4896-2 and the ADG633 to construct a low-noise, gain-selectable amplifier to drive a low-resistance load. The gain-selectable amplifier shown in Figure 1 uses an innovative switching technique that preserves the 1-nV/√Hz noise performance of the ADA4896-2 while redu...
Data Sheet Precision, Selectable Gain, Fully Differential Funnel Amplifier AD8475 FEATURES Precision attenuation: G = 0.4, G = 0.8 Fully differential or single-ended input/output Differential output designed to drive precision ADCs Drives switched capacitor and Σ-Δ ADCs Rail-to-rail output VOCM ...
LT6411是Linear公司的一款高速放大器产品,LT6411是650MHz Differential ADC Driver/Dual Selectable Gain Amplifier,本站介绍了LT6411的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与LT6411相关的凌力尔特元器件型号供参考。LT6411 - 650MHz Differential ADC Driver/Dual Selectable Gain Amplifier LT6411 - 650MHz ...
The LT1995 is a high speed, high slew rate, gain selectable amplifier with excellent DC performance. Gains from -7 to 8 with a gain accuracy of 0.2% can be achieved using no external components. The device is particularly well suited for use as a difference amplifier, where the excellent ...
www.ti.com TPA0212 SLOS284B – NOVEMBER 1999 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2004 STEREO 2.6-W AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER WITH FOUR SELECTABLE GAIN SETTINGS AND MUX CONTROL FEATURES • Compatible With PC 99 Desktop Line-Out Into 10-kΩ Load • Internal Gain Control, Which Eliminates External Gain-Setting...
CMOS image sensor pixel with selectable binning and conversion gain An image sensor includes a plurality of pixels, at least two pixels each having a photodetector; a charge-to-voltage conversion region; an input to an amplifier; and a switch for selectively connecting the charge-to-voltage ...
16-Terminal QFN Package APPLICATIONS • Multirate SONET/SDH Transmission Systems • 4.25-Gbps, 2.125-Gbps, and 1.0625-Gbps Fibre-Channel Receivers • Gigabit Ethernet Receivers DESCRIPTION The ONET4291PA is a versatile, high-speed, rate-selectable limiting amplifier for multiple fiber-optic appli...
功能描述STEREO2-WAUDIOPOWERAMPLIFIERWITHFOURSELECTABLEGAINSETTINGSANDMUXCONTROL Download33 Pages Scroll/Zoom 100% 制造商TI [Texas Instruments] 网页http://www.ti.com 标志 类似零件编号 - TPA0212 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 Texas InstrumentsTPA0212 ...
制造商 部件名 数据表 功能描述 Eutech Microelectronics... EUA6027A 767Kb / 14P 2-W Stereo Audio Power Amplifier with Selectable Gain and Shutdown EUA6027AQIR1 767Kb / 14P 2-W Stereo Audio Power Amplifier with Selectable Gain and Shutdown More results 类似...