On this page: https://select2.github.io/examples.html ...All the tags appended to the end show up in an arbitrary place in the Select2 box. There seems to be no rhyme or reason where they will appear, neither alphabetical nor sorting by ...
$(document).ready(function(){$(".js-example-basic-single").select2();}); 一般情况下,如果允许复选多个项目,那么设置 multiple=”multiple”即可,如下代码所示。 代码语言:javascript 复制 <select id="ResponseDemand"name="ResponseDemand"multiple="multiple"class="form-control select2"></select> 2)异...
Is it possible in select2 4.0 that multiple select will be displayed only in one line (now with too many selected options field has two line - is higher). Something like in bootstrap select (http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/ example with <select class="selectpicker" multiple...
$("select.js-data-example-ajax").each(function() {var$this= $(this); $this.select2({ placeholder:"请输入关键字", language :"zh-CN",//指定语言为中文,国际化才起效allowClear:true, ajax : { url :url, dataType :'json', delay :250,//延迟显示data :function(params) {return{ id : p...
$(document).ready(function(){$(".js-example-basic-single").select2();}); 一般情况下,如果允许复选多个项目,那么设置 multiple="multiple"即可,如下代码所示。 代码语言:javascript 复制 <select id="ResponseDemand"name="ResponseDemand"multiple="multiple"class="form-control select2"></select> ...
selectAllTextstring'Select all'Text when all options as not selectedwithmultiple removeAllTextstring'Remove all'Text when all options as selectedwithmultiple editPattern(str: string) => stringuse it for change the pattern of the filter search ...
Checkbox selected all/unchecked all or partial select after select all MVC 4 Jquery CheckBoxList in Model not updating on Post to Controller Checking if a value exists in the database Child actions are not allowed to perform redirect actions Claims Authentication : Object reference not set to an...
$(".js-example-basic-single").select2(); }); 一般情况下,如果允许复选多个项目,那么设置 multiple="multiple"即可,如下代码所示。 <select id="ResponseDemand" name="ResponseDemand" multiple="multiple" class="form-control select2"></select> ...
currentStudentName.select2({ placeholder :'请选择学员', ajax :{ url:function(term,page){ return Api.getOneOnOneStudentList+'?blCampusId=' + currentCampusId + '&name='+(term||'')+'&_search=true&sord=asc&rows=20&page='+page; }, dataType: 'json', multiple: true, results:function...
// Without model and implementing a multiple select echo '<labelclass="control-label">Provinces</label>'; echo Select2::widget([ 'name' => 'state_10', 'data' => $data, 'options' => [ 'placeholder' => 'Select provinces ...', ...