Thanks for the snippet. I've tested on my local project and works ok (merely label should be outside of the tag), data is derived from the state. Do you use the newest mdbreact version (there were some problems with the search in previous releases)? Alternatively, you could use this ...
Add an icon to an option or optgroup with thedata-iconattribute: Note:Glyphicons are not included in Bootstrap 4. To use FontAwesome, or another icon library, you'll need to seticonBaseto something other than'glyphicon'. <selectclass="selectpicker"><optiondata-icon="fa-heart">Ketchup</opt...
bootstrap-select的 search是在已经存在的option中进行筛选的,由于我的下拉框数据基数过于庞大,我是用oninput执行数据填充操作。实现代码如下,我是把后台请求的所有数据缓存在浏览器中,每次去浏览器缓存中拿到数据并填充到select中,记住一定要在append之后执行$('.selectpicker').selectpicker('refresh');不然无法显示,如...
🚀 The jQuery plugin that brings select elements into the 21st century with intuitive multiselection, searching, and much more. javascriptbootstrapjqueryselectuiuxdropdown UpdatedJul 29, 2024 JavaScript x-extends/vxe-table Star7.9k Vxe Table 支持 vue2, vue3 的表格解决方案 ...
Responsive select input built with Bootstrap 5. Choose from many options displayed in a collapsible/drop-down list of values with selectpicker component.
similar to <b-form-tags>), thus increasing the bundle size; it also has no Bootstrap styling <datalist> allows entering new values, and needs custom styling (adding a class="form-control" might do the trick) <b-form-input> combined with <b-dropdown> this is my current approach. It...
PrimeVue is an open source UI library for Vue featuring a rich set of 80+ components, a theme designer, various theme alternatives such as Material, Bootstrap, Tailwind, premium templates and professional support. In addition, it integrates with PrimeBloc ...
Adding bootstrap classes: form-control-sm, input-sm, form-control-lg input-lg, btn-sm, btn-lg searchCallback (search: string, item: INgxSelectOption) => boolean null The callback function for custom filtering the select list Output Description (typed) Fired on changing search input. Return...
Bootstrap-5: Bootstrap 5 theme Custom: Custom theme (Should be included in layout with .select2-container--custom in the css) Width Description:This attribute allows you to set the width of the Select2 component, giving you control over its visual appearance. ...