oracle没有top的语法,限制记录数都是使用rownum < N或者rownum <= N的。
FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY就会按字面的意思去做的(只取前 5 行)。 如果你使用 Oracle,需要基于ROWNUM(行计数器)来计算行,像这样: SELECTprod_name FROMProducts WHEREROWNUM<=5; 如果你使用 MySQL、MariaDB、PostgreSQL 或者 SQLite,需要使用LIMIT子句,像这样: SELECTprod_name FROMProducts LIMIT5; 上述代码使用S...
1,取得按b排序的第6行a的值而在oracle中想要实现是通过rownum:select * from a where rownum<6 or...
9 种数据库中 Select Top的使用方法(只显示数据库的前几条记录)(Oracle、Infomix、DB2、SQL Server、Access、Sybase、MySQL、FoxPro、Sqlite) : 1、Oracle数据库:SELECT * FROM TABLENAME WHERE ROWNUM <= N 2、Infomix数据库:SELECT FIRST N * FROM TABLENAME 3、DB2数据库:SELECT * FROM (SELECT * ...
检索单个列:select 列名 from 表名; 例:select ename from emp; 检索多个列: select [列1,列2,...
代码语言:sql 复制 SELECT * FROM Customers FETCH FIRST 3 ROWS ONLY; 使用旧版 Oracle 的 ROWNUM 以下SQL 语句展示了旧版 Oracle 的等效示例: 选择"Customers" 表的前 3 条记录: 代码语言:sql 复制 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ROWNUM <= 3; 添加WHERE 子句 以下SQL 语句从 "Customers" 表中选择前三...
Specify the object name followed by a period and the asterisk to select all columns from the specified table, view, or materialized view. Oracle Database returns a set of column in the order in which the columns were specified when the object was created. A query that selects rows from tw...
Beginning with Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), the recursive member will run in parallel if the optimizer determines that the top-level SELECT statement can be executed in parallel. search_clause Use the SEARCH clause to specify an ordering for the rows. Specify BREADTH FIRST BY if ...
9 种数据库中SelectTop的使用方法(只显示数据库的前几条记录)(Oracle、Infomix、DB2、SQL Server、Access、Sybase、MySQL、FoxPro、Sqlite) : 1、Oracle数据库:SELECT *FROM TABLENAMEWHEREROWNUM <= N 2、Infomix数据库:SELECTFIRST N*FROM TABLENAME
The following SQL statement shows the equivalent example for Oracle: Example SELECT*FROMCustomers ORDERBYCustomerNameDESC FETCHFIRST3ROWS ONLY; Exercise? What would the following query do in SQL Server? SELECT TOP 5 * FROM Customers; Select the first 5 records from the Customers table ...