在该语法中,yyyy 为年代,mm 为月份,而 dd 则为日期。驱动程序将用等价的特定于 DBMS 的表示替换这个转义子句。例如,如果 '28- FEB-99' 符合基本数据库的格式,则驱动程序将用它替换 。对于 TIME 和 TIMESTAMP 也有类似的转义子句:TIMESTAMP 中的小数点后的秒(.f . . .)部分可忽略。cal...
[CDATA[selecttop100*from$Tablename$orderby$column1$desc;-- $Tablename$$end$]]></Code></Snippet></CodeSnippet></CodeSnippets>
SELECT TOP 10 PERCENT FirstName, LastName FROM Students WHERE GraduationYear = 1994 ORDER BY GradePointAverage ASC;ASC 谓词指定返回后面的值。遵循 TOP的值一定是无符号 Integer.查询是否可更新,这不会受到 TOP 的影响。
select top n * from table -- 根据表内数据存储顺序取前n条,返回无序集合 select * from table order by id desc -- 取所有数据,按id逆序返回有序列表 select top n * from table order by id desc-- 先按id逆序,再取前n条,返回按id排序的有序集合【注意,按某个属性排序,该排序属性的数据列值最...
C# LINQ order by not working for a SQL table with a primary key C# LinQ query to pull top 3 records from data table C# List vs IList C# List<>: How to read the data? C# List<struct> vs List<class> memory usage C# LITHUANIAN ENCODING c# logic to login to a website, enter value...
1.Sql="Select top 1 * from TABEL where Phone='88888888' order by AddTime DESC"2.select * from Table where AddTime=(select max(AddTime) from Table group by Name)3.Sql="Select top 1 * from TABEL where Phone='88888888' order by ID DESC"关键是思路正确。
如:create table s100 (aaa varchar(10))go insert into s100 values ('1')insert into s100 values ('3')insert into s100 values ('2')insert into s100 values ('4')insert into s100 values ('0')go select * from s100 aaa --- 1 3 2 4 0 建立一个唯一索引:create unique...
SELECT {TOP <const> }[0,1] <select_list> {INTO FILE [‘file_name’ | “file_name”] {DELIMITED}[0,1]}[0,1] FROM table_name {AS alias_name }[0,1] {INNER JOIN table_name {AS alias_name}[0,1] ON <Join_Condition>}[0,1] { WHERE <predicate> } [0,1] {;}[0...
Then I thought maybe MS had already done it in the Top N stuff, so started to run a test against it. CREATETABLE[dbo].[NUM] ([n]intNOTNULL, svarchar(128)NULL,PRIMARYKEYCLUSTERED([n]ASC)) go -- populate data setnocounton