SELECTTOP (10) ProductName,COUNT(OrderID)ASOrderCountFROMOrdersJOINProductsONOrders.ProductID=Products.ProductIDGROUPBYProductNameORDERBYOrderCountDESC; 这个查询返回订单数量最多的前 10 个产品。 6. 总结 SELECT TOP是 SQL Server 中一个非常有用的功能,可以限制查询结果的行数或百分比。它在数据分析、报告...
SQL SELECT TOP 实例 下面的 SQL 语句从 “Customers” 表中选取头两条记录: SELECT TOP 2 * FROM Customers; SQL SELECT TOP PERCENT 实例 下面的 SQL 语句从 “Customers” 表中选取前面 50% 的记录: SELECT TOP 50 PERCENT * FROM Customers;
代码语言:sql 复制 删除Customers 表: DROP TABLE Customers; SQL TOP、LIMIT、FETCH FIRST 或 ROWNUM 子句 SQL SELECT TOP 子句用于指定要返回的记录数。 SQL SELECT TOP 子句 SQL Server / MS Access 语法: 代码语言:sql 复制 SELECT TOP number|percent column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE condition; MyS...
If the top-level statement is a DELETE, MERGE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement, then it must have the WITH_PLSQL hint. The WITH_PLSQL hint only enables you to specify the WITH plsql_declarations clause within the statement. It is not an optimizer hint. See Also: Oracle Database PL/SQL...
在SQL Server拒绝需要Windows的窗口函数中的代码的情况下,通常会看到这种技巧ORDER BY。它的意思是“我知道,我知道,但我故意这样做”。 SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Sales.Customer ORDER BY @@identity 清单6 如果你很高兴与您通过使用获得的记录TOP没有ORDER BY,那么最好是完全明确的,并指出,你真的希望它由PRIMARY...
SELECT retrieves data from a table or view.Serving as an overlaid filter for a database table, SELECT filters required data from the table using SQL keywords.The owner of
Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide - FundamentalsandPL/SQL Packages and Types Referencefor information about session-level Flashback using theDBMS_FLASHBACKpackage Oracle Database Administrator's Guideand to the description ofFLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERYin theOracle Database Referencefor more inf...
select top 1 * from table and cut the whole list of columns from the output window. Then you can choose which columns you want without having to type them all in. SQL Prompt, you can type "SELECT * FROM MyTable", and then move the cursor back after the "*", and hi...
CREATE TABLE t2(id INT, col1 VARCHAR(10)); SELECT test1.t1.*, test2.t2.* FROM test1.t1 JOIN test2.t2 ON =; Examples SQL Copy SELECT * FROM my_MemSQL_table WHERE col = 1; SELECT COUNT(*), user_name, page_url from clicks, users, pages -> WHERE clicks.user...
You can use SELECT as a top-level statement, or as part of a query involving set operations, or as part of another statement, including (for example) when passed as a query into a UDX. For examples, see the topics INSERT, IN, EXISTS, CREATE PUMP in this guide....