1. Define the concepts of externality, and discuss the relationship between externality and public good. 2. Provide three examples of a positive externality and explain how so. 3. Provide three exampl Describe how the price mechanism allocates resources through consumers' choice. Provide one exampl...
What three pieces of legislation have been most important in defining the rights of management and unions? What is the difference between a free trade agreement and a customs union? Provide examples of each in your answer. When entering into a ...
The question of responsibility and technology is both smaller and larger than the question of ethics and technology. On the one hand, an examination of moral responsibility in the making and using of artifacts and artifact systems is only one aspect — t
Classical market games for economies with private goods are examples of cooperative games. Here, we say that such a game has orthogonal coalitions (see Myerson [25, Chapter 9]). Games with non-orthogonal coalitions are games in which the worth of a coalition depends on the actions of its ...
a3 page paper on stereotypes of Eastern and Western cultures. What does the East think of the West and vice versa? Give plenty of examples and your opinion about which stereotypes are true and which are false. 3页纸在东部和西部文化陈腔滥调。 东方西方和反之亦然认为什么? 给陈腔滥调是真实的...
A pricing strategy sets the initial price of the product and provides a plan for price changes over time. There are three pricing strategies that Farmer Joe can choose from: price skimming, penetration pricing and status quo. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Create ...
A.Do not pass a user variable in the WHERE clause because it limits the ability of the optimizer to use indexes B.Add an index on the objective column so that is can be used in both the WHERE and GROUP BY operations C.Drop the run_2 index because it has caused a conflict in the ...
The Covid-19 pandemic was no exception. Firstly, it accelerated the long-anticipated digital transformation at Japanese corporates; secondly, it strengthened demand for goods and services that stretch consumers’ disposable income. Below are examples of companies in the FSSA Japan Equity strategy that...
Monday.comkeeps the language selection at the very top of the page, in the left upper corner. All options are presented inthree columns, with the current selection highlighted in blue. While flags are easier to recognize, icons can work as an alternative option as well, especially if you ne...
today withdrew its murder case against former FBI agent Lynn DeVecchio when it was learned that the mob moll, who was a key witness to the agent's alleged role in four hits, had told reporters on tape 10 years ago that the agent had not been involved in at least three of those hits...