Pressure ratio is a variable equation that combines atmospheric pressure with gauge pressure divided by atmospheric pressure. This identifies where the compressor will perform its duty cycle. Knowing pressure ratio (PR) is a key component to selecting the correct turbo for your ...
It is also accepted that Rjc is beyond the user’s ability to alter or control. Similarly, case-to-sink and sink-to-ambient resistance are defined as Rcs = (Tcs)/Q = (Tc–Ts)/Q Rsa = (Tsa)/Q = (Ts–Ta)/Q respectively. Here, Rcs represents the thermal resistance across the ...
Pairwise genetic differences between genotypes averaged over loci were calculated with package polysat [51] using a band-sharing dissimilarity index (one minus the similarity index in Equation 1 of [23]). Lynch distances were used to perform principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) to confirm that ...
This value represents how much the junction temperature will rise above the ambient temperature surrounding the TO-220 package for every Watt of power dissipated within the device. For example, if the transistor vendor states that the thermal impedance from junction-to-ambient is 62°C/W, this ...
Subthreshold conduction parameters in Ge-Te and Si-Te systems. (a): Variation of trap depth extracted using the Poole-Frenkel equation for all the studied materials (b): Density of defects as a function of Te amount derived from Poole-Frenkel model. ...
Step 2: After normalizing the decision matrix, the Shannon diversity index is calculated as follows: H = − ∑ i = 1 m p i j ln p i j (2) Step 3: The following equation is utilized to determine the Shannon Equitability Index, or entropy, which measures the evenness of val...
A reward function represents the agent’s goal, i.e., it translates each perceived state–action pair into a single number. In other words, a reward indicates the intrinsic desirability of that state–action pair. It is a way of communicating to the agent what the agent wants to obtain, ...
The state variable, T(t), represents the device’s internal state. One key aspect of the output equation is that the resistance is a function of the internal state variable and varies with time and temperature. This characteristic distinguishes IMT devices from most others, where resistance is ...
To evaluate and quantify the recovery performance, of the three strains tested, for each metal present in the WEEE the bioconcentration factor (BCF) has been used as described by Jakubiak et al. in 2014 [13]. The BCF represents the ratio between the concentration of the dried biomass and th...
where Rwriteis the write resistance of the device (resistance of SHE electrode or resistance of MTJ-P or MTJ-AP, where MTJ-P is a MTJ with parallel magnetization while MTJ-AP is an MTJ with anti-parallel magnetization, μ0is vacuum permeability, e is the electron charge. The equation sho...