the optimizer may pick a different table order. You should anticipate the order changing, guess at what order makes the most sense, and build the INDEXes accordingly. Then rerun EXPLAIN to see if the Optimizer's brain was on the same wavelength you were on....
Qdot™ Conjugates: Qdot labeled secondary antibodies are bright—as much as 50 times brighter compared to organic dyes—and they do not photobleach, ever. Because all Qdot probes are excited with the same wavelength, but emit at different wavelengths, all 8 colors can poten...
Power Supply Demonstration 3.2 VLED Definition When it comes to LED driver design, power consideration is important. A common anode LED connection, for example, is shown in Equation 1. The voltage drop on the LED is called LED forward voltage, and the voltage drop on the device channel is ...
"MEDIUMINT" -- This is a reminder that all INTs should be made as small as is safe (smaller ⇒ faster). Of course the declaration here must match the definition in the table being linked to. "UNSIGNED" -- Nearly all INTs may as well be declared non-negative "NOT NULL" -- Well,...
The Problem You have a SELECT and you want to build the best INDEX for it. This blog is a "cookbook" on how to do that task. ⚈ A short algorithm that works for many simpler SELECTs and helps in complex queries. ⚈ Examples of the algorithm, plus digressions into exceptions and ...
Depth of field tables are irrelevant if you want the best definition, and understand that diffraction makes your smallest aperture not the sharpest. Because of diffraction there is only one optimum aperture for each situation that will give the sharpest image of a subject requiring depth of field...
It is important to choose a secondary antibody that targets the class or subclass of the primary antibody being used. This is especially important when using a monoclonal primary antibody, because monoclonal antibodies, by definition, belong to only one subclass each. Whole antib...
Power Supply Demonstration 3.2 VLED Definition When it comes to LED driver design, power consideration is important. A common anode LED connection, for example, is shown in Equation 1. The voltage drop on the LED is called LED forward voltage, and the voltage drop on the device channel is ...