TestNotInList TestPass TestPlan TestPlanProperty TestPlans TestProperty TestResult TestResultDetails TestRun TestRunner TestRunProperty TestSettings TestSuite TestSuiteRequirement TestVariable TextAndImage TextArea TextBlock TextBox TextCenter TextElement TextFile TextJustify TextLeft TextLineHeight TextRight...
To select an image, press Spacebar. To go back to the document body, press Esc. You hear the file name of the document. Your screen reader can now read the image alt text, if there is one. To start reading in Narrator and NVDA, pres...
Hi, how to select a text/word from textframe using script.. for ex, "Adobe illustrator used for create logos, icons ,drawings" in above sentence i - 9815106
Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.DataProvider Windows.ApplicationModel.VoiceCommands Windows.ApplicationModel.Wallet Windows.ApplicationModel.Wallet.System Windows.Data.Html Windows.Data.Json Windows.Data.Pdf Windows.Data.Text Windows.Data.Xml.Dom Windows.Data.Xml.Xsl Windows.Devices Windows.Devices.Adc ...
When you have only one layer selected, you can align the shape or text layer to the video frame only.Distribute objectsUse the Distribute options to move text or shape objects in the Program Monitor so that their centers are equally distant from each other. Distribute...
[in] apt 类型: POINT* 指向cidl 结构的数组的指针,其中包含 apidl 中每个对应元素应定位的位置。 [in] dwFlags 类型:DWORD _SVSIF常量之一,用于指定要应用的选择类型。 返回值 类型: HRESULT 如果该方法成功,则返回 S_OK。 否则,将返回 HRESULT 错误代码。 要求 展开表 最低受支持的客户端 Windows XP、...
Problem:You're unable to select and change the text in the footer at the bottom of your slides. Solution:If you can't directly edit footer text, it's probably the case that the footer placeholder has been turned off in Slide Master view. To change that situation, ...
If you select a file or a piece of text on a computer screen, you click on it so that it is marked in a different colour, usually in order for you to give the computer an instruction relating to that file or piece of text.
Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner. (Inherited from UIElement) PreviewTouchDown Occurs when a finger touches the screen while the finger is over this element. (Inherited from UIElement) PreviewTouchMove Occurs when a finger moves on the screen while the finge...
Graphical objects, including charts and buttons, on the worksheet and in text boxes. Row differences All cells that differ from the active cell in a selected row. There is always one active cell in a selection—whether this is a range, row, or column. By pressing the Enter ...