The <select> tag is written as <select></select> with any number of <option> tags nested between the start and end tags.The name attribute is often included so that any script that processes the form control can reference the selected value. Like this:...
The default value for size is 0. HTML 4.01, HTML5Note The HTML <select> element is found within the <body> tag. The <select> tag is usually found within the <form> tag. The <select> tag contains a set of <option> tags that provide the list of dropdown values. By default, the ...
JMultiSelectTag from '@/components/dict/JMultiSelectTag' export default { components: {JMultiSelectTag}, data() { return { selectValue:"", checkboxValue:"", dictOptions:[{ label:"选项一", value:"1" },{ label:"选项二", value:"2" },{ label:"选项三", value:"3" }] } } } </...
You can addselectedattribute for the option you want to be the default. In the example above we’ve added a default, disabled value"Choose". <optionvalue=""selecteddisabled>Choose</option> If you want to learn how to dynamically create a select listclick here. ...
<el-tag v-if=" scope.row.status == 0 " type="warning">未激活</el-tag> <el-tag v-if=" scope.row.status == 1 " type="success">正常</el-tag> <el-tag v-if=" scope.row.status == 2 " type="danger">冻结</el-tag> ...
InputTypeDefaultRequiredDescription [addTag]boolean | ((term: string) => any | Promise<any>)falsenoAllows to create custom options. addTagTextstringAdd itemnoSet custom text when using tagging appearancestringunderlinenoAllows to select dropdown appearance. Set tooutlineto add border instead of un...
tagSession (标准NFC-Tag TagSession) 系统基础能力 @ohos.accessibility (辅助功能) @ohos.accessibility.GesturePath (手势路径) @ohos.accessibility.GesturePoint (手势触摸点) @ohos.application.AccessibilityExtensionAbility (辅助功能扩展能力) @ohos.faultLogger (故障日志获取) @ohos.h...
nfctech (标准NFC-Tag Nfc 技术) tagSession (标准NFC-Tag TagSession) 系统基础能力 @ohos.accessibility (辅助功能) @ohos.accessibility.GesturePath (手势路径) @ohos.accessibility.GesturePoint (手势触摸点) @ohos.application.AccessibilityExtensionAbility (辅助功能扩展能力) @oho...
Tag标签 Timeline时间轴 Tooltip文字提示 Tour漫游式引导New Tree树形控件 反馈 Alert警告提示 Drawer抽屉 Message全局提示 Modal对话框 Notification通知提醒框 Popconfirm气泡确认框 Progress进度条 Result结果 Skeleton骨架屏 Spin加载中 blur()取消焦点 focus()获取焦点 ...