使用show tables语句就可以显示当前数据库中所有的表。查找所有表的具体语句的例子如下:1、select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='当前数据库'2、select name from SysObjects where type='u'
可以使用下面的SQL语句查询所有表名。 # 执行SQL查询以获取所有表名cursor.execute("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'your_database'")# 获取查询结果tables=cursor.fetchall()# 提取所有结果 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 说明: information_schema.tables是一个包含数据库表元数...
Select Data From a MySQL Database The SELECT statement is used to select data from one or more tables: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name or we can use the * character to select ALL columns from a table: SELECT * FROM table_name ...
SELECTcolumn_name1[,column_name2,...] FROMtable_name_1 [LEFTORRIGHTORINNER]JOINtable_name_2ONconditions [ [LEFTORRIGHTORINNER]JOINtables_name_3ONconditons,...] [WHEREconditions] 其中有两个关键字: JOIN: 建立表与表进行连接,分为内连接(INNER JOIN),左外连接(LEFT JOIN),右外连接(RIGHT JOI...
初始化表的迭代器Tables_in_user_order_iterator user_it;user_it.init(query_block,table_name!=nullptr);while(true){// 从迭代器中获取下一个需要处理的表tables=user_it.get_next();// tables == nullptr 说明迭代结束,结束循环if(tables==nullptr)break;// 表中的字段迭代器Field_iterator_table_ref...
SELECT*FROMDimEmployeeORDERBYLastName; This next example using table aliasing to achieve the same result. SQL SELECTe.*FROMDimEmployeeASeORDERBYLastName; This example returns all rows (noWHEREclause is specified) and a subset of the columns (FirstName,LastName,StartDate) from theDimEmployeetable...
SELECT * FROM DimEmployee ORDER BY LastName; This next example using table aliasing to achieve the same result.SQL Copy SELECT e.* FROM DimEmployee AS e ORDER BY LastName; This example returns all rows (no WHERE clause is specified) and a subset of the columns (FirstName, LastName, ...
Select only the first 3 records of the Customers table: SELECTTOP3*FROMCustomers; Try it Yourself » SQL Server / MS Access Syntax: SELECTTOPnumber|percentcolumn_name(s) FROMtable_name WHEREcondition; MySQL Syntax: SELECTcolumn_name(s) ...
selectid,name,age,sexfromuserwhereage>20; 语法SELECT [字段名称1,字段名称2] FROM [表名称] WHERE (条件表达式); *去重查询distinct selectdistinctnamefromuser; *空值查询 is [not] null select*fromuserwherenameisnull; *带in子查询 [NOT] IN (元素1,元素2,...) ...
table_name | view_name | table_alias.* Limits the scope of the * to the specified table or view.column_name Is the name of a column to return. Qualify column_name to prevent an ambiguous reference, such as occurs when two tables in the FROM clause have columns with duplicate names. ...