使用MySQL 的 SELECT 语句查询其他数据库的表非常简单。首先,我们需要指定要查询的数据库,然后使用完全限定的表名来调用其他数据库的表。以下是一个示例代码: USEmydatabase;SELECT*FROMotherdatabase.othertable; 1. 2. 3. 在上面的代码中,otherdatabase是要查询的其他数据库的名称,othertable是要查询的表的名称。
请根据实际情况替换yourusername、yourpassword和yourdatabase为正确的值。 2. 执行 SELECT 查询 执行SELECT 查询语句来获取要导出的数据。以下是一个示例: # 执行 SELECT 查询query="SELECT * FROM yourtable"cursor.execute(query)# 获取查询结果results=cursor.fetchall() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 请将yourtable...
SELECT *|{column1 | expression, column2 | expression, ...} FROM tablename 使用as语句 SELECT columnname as 别名 from 表名 WHERE子句 ORDER BY子句 SELECT column1,column2,column3.. FROM table; order by column asc|desc, ... Order by指定排序的列,排序的列既可以时表中的列名,也可以是select...
I woke up this morning and went to work on a website I'm developing and cannot insert or select data from the database. I cannot even view the table schemas in workbench. I'm getting the following error when trying to do a select: ...
SELECTcolumn1_name,column2_name,columnN_nameFROMtable_name; Let's make a SQL query using theSELECTstatement, after that we will execute this SQL query through passing it to the PHPmysqli_query()function to retrieve the table data.
Description:I was attempting to view a table within my database that I've viewed successfully before. I clicked the button next to the table name to execute a SELECT * FROM table query which populated the SQL editor as expected. However, the following error popped up: "MySQL Workbench has...
| database() | +---+ | NULL | +---+1rowinset (0.00sec) #拼接命令 concat("") mysql>selectconcat("hello world!");+---+ | concat("hello world!") | +---+ | hello world! | +---+1rowinset (0.01sec) mysql>selectuser,host from mysql.user; #...
select * from在数据库中的用法和示例 下面以mysql数据库管理软件为例,分四个步骤来做示例,我们可以把一个学校当成一个数据库,把寻找“英小妹”当作select * from需要完成的任务。1、创建一个简单库 ;create database school;2.创建一个简单学生表 ;CREATE TABLE Student (Sno CHAR(9) PRIMARY KEY,Sname...
You can use theselect()method to query for and return records from a table in a database. The X DevAPI provides additional methods to use with theselect()method to filter and sort the returned records. MySQL provides the following operators to specify search conditions:OR(||),AND(&&),XOR...
i need to query a database with a formula, i simply write down what i need: SELECT * FROM database where (x BETWEEN n*a AND n*b) AND (y BETWEEN n/a AND n/b) x,y,a,b are fields in the database, n is a number provided by the calling software. ...