SELECT STUFF((SELECT','+name +':'+str(count) FROM dbo.test FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') names 还有那么多空格 ,去掉空格 换convert 原因:str就是定长函数问题,不足长度用空格补了 SELECT STUFF((SELECT','+name +':'+convert(varchar(5),count) FROM dbo.test FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,''...
1,1,'')67SELECTA.BillNo,STUFF((SELECT';'+RTRIM(DetailNo)FROMtable_detail COWHEREA.BillNo=CO.BillNoFORXML PATH('')),1,1,'') DetailNoFROMTABLE_Main A
select STUFF( ( select ', ' + CONVERT(varchar(10), ID) FROM @temp where ID<50 group by ID for xml path('') ), 1, 2, '') as IDs Implementation: Declare @temp Table( ID int ) insert into @temp (ID) values (1) insert into @temp (ID) values (3) insert into @t...
UseSELECT @variable = @variable + ... FROMto concatenate the column names. This type ofSELECTdoes not not return a result set. This is perhaps undocumented behaviour but works in every version of SQL Server. As an alternative you could useSET @variable = (SELECT ... FOR ...
select STUFF(( SELECT ',[' + colname +']' FROM ( select [name] as colname from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('dbo.customer') ) as cte --cte FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '') The result. Copy [id],[name],[age] ...
Alternative way STUFF for XML PATH ('') ? Am getting an error when i run this code Ambiguous Column Name An aggregate may not appear in the set list of an UPDATE statement... An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: Error creating window handle. SQL SERVER 2008 An ...
第一种方法 使用<pre></pre>包围代码(在浏览器中测试不行啊,但是在富编辑器中又可以,怪); ...
poetry shellspawns a shell in the virtual environment (really useful for testing random stuff). There’s a few more commands around lock files and more esoteric needs for the build system, so I will stop there for now. Other interesting differences from a simplified pip env ...
Possibly various other stuff you might expect Special Syntax In addition to a standardJOINoperator BigBash also supports a specialHASH JOINoperator.HASH JOINacts like a normal join, but uses a hash map internally to store the values of the right-hand side. It's faster/more performant in situa...
I think the only last thing to do here is the blocking stuff we talked about, if you like: Set default for goal checker selector to empty string If empty string and no topic, then return FAIL Else, return SUCCESS with either the topic set algo or the non-empty-string default, where ...