A column often contains many duplicate values, and sometimes the information needed from a single column has to be distinct. Using the SELECT DISTINCT statement inSQL, we can filter out distinct values from a column. Syntax SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2, columnN FROM tablename; ...
The SELECT statement in SQL is used to retrieve data from a relational database. SyntaxNumber of ColumnsSQL Syntax 1 SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name"; More Than 1 SELECT "column_name1"[, "column_name2"] FROM "table_name"; All SELECT * FROM "table_name";"...
Overview of the SQL Query SELECT Statement FROM Clause WHERE Clause ORDER BY Clause SET Statement Keyword Query Syntax Reference FAST Query Language (FQL) Syntax Reference Writing a Custom Security Trimmer for SharePoint Server Search Customizing the Enterprise Search UI ...
This SQL tutorial explains how to use the SQL SELECT statement with syntax, examples, and practice exercises. The SQL SELECT statement is used to retrieve records from one or more tables in your SQL database.
SQL Tutorial,Data Query Explanation The rules specified for theDECLARE CURSOR statementalso apply for theSELECTstatement (select_statement). The search strategy used determines how the search is carried out. When theSELECTstatement is executed, the system searches for all the rows in the results tab...
SELECT Statements: SyntaxNOTE: SQL commands are not case sensitive. The above SELECT statement can also be written as"select first_name from students_details;" You can also retrieve data from more than one column. For example, to select first name and last name of all the students. ...
In the syntax: Note:Throughout this course, the wordskeyword,clause, andstatementare used as follows: Akeyword(关键字)refers to an individual(独特的)SQL element(有特殊含义的SQL元素) ——for example,SELECTandFROMare keywords. Aclause(子句)is a part of a SQL statement(Select语句的一个组成部分...
1. About SQL INSERT INTO SELECT Statement The SQL Insert Into Select statement is used to copy the data from one table ( let us call it the source table ) into another table ( let us call it the destination table). Note: This statement only works in the case if the data types of ...
SQL Server 和 Azure SQL 数据库的语法:syntaxsql 复制 <SELECT statement> ::= [ WITH { [ XMLNAMESPACES , ] [ <common_table_expression> [ , ...n ] ] } ] <query_expression> [ ORDER BY <order_by_expression> ] [ <FOR Clause> ] [ OPTION ( <query_hint> [ , ...n ] ) ] <...
PROCEDUREsyntax is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.18, and is removed in MySQL 8.0. TheSELECT ... INTOform ofSELECTenables the query result to be written to a file or stored in variables. For more information, seeSection, “SELECT ... INTO Statement”. ...