Range("A1",Range("A"&Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Select Copy Note: This VBA code supports Excel 2003 to 2013. When this code is used with the following example table, range A1:A8 will be selected. Select a rectangular range of cells around a cell Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Select Copy Sel...
Range("1:1,5:6,9:9").Select 语句说明:执行上述代码后,选择不相邻的多行/多列: l和选择相邻的多行/多列不同,使用"Range"而不是"Columns/Rows"。 9)Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Select Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select 语句说明:执行上述代码后选择当前活动单元格向下至...
Step 1:For this again open a module and write the subprocedure for VBA Selecting Range. Now we will be using the function callCELLS. CELLS function in VBA allows us to choose the cells we want to select. Code: SubVBA_Range4()End Sub Step 2:Now put the cell numbers in the vertex o...
Range("R2:S"&n&"")改成 Range("R2:S"&n)wps写VBA,复杂点的VBA容易莫名其妙乱报错,还是excel写VBA好的多。
Method 6 –Selecting Range Based On Blank Cells We have some blank cells (I have removed the values for explaining this method) in theSalescolumn and to select these blank cells we will use theVBAcode of this method. Step 1: ➤FollowStep-01ofMethod-1 ...
我有一个办法,以前我自己用过 当然比较笨,那就是把("A1:D4").中的A,D用开始你指定的(1,1)(4,4)通过数值转化字母的方式进行转化
已测试这两个代码都没有问题,可以正常使用 只是要提醒注意的是i+9和j-2的数值都要大于0,而且都是整数的 测试代码如下:Sub a()Dim i, j i = 1 j = 20 Range("T6:T" & j - 2).Select Range("T" & i + 9 & ":T" & j - 2).Select End Sub ...
你应该用 Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()Range("A1:B4,D1:E4").Select End Sub