Sector SPDRs are subject to risk similar to those of stocks including those regarding short selling and margin account maintenance. All ETFs are subject to risk, including possible loss of principal. Sector ETF products are also subject to sector risk and non-diversified risk, which will result ...
Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLP) 80.150.03 (0.04%)11-01 16:00 Open:80.38 High:80.44 Volume:7,893,971 Pre. Close:80.12 Low:80.05 Market Cap:16,845(M) Technical analysis 2024-11-01 4:48:58 PM Short term Mid term ...
Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLE) 94.73-0.14 (-0.15%)11-15 16:00 Open:94.78 High:95.69 Volume:13,922,457 Pre. Close:94.87 Low:94.39 Market Cap:39,425(M) Technical analysis 2024-11-15 4:43:31 PM Short term Mid term Targets6-month :111.761-year :130.54 ...
以计算The Health Care Select Sector SPDR® Fund的市值为例,见下文:计算示例 行业基准分析 板块 上图描述了发达经济区的板块财务状况公司市值的分布情况。我们分析了超过11,870家公司,其中11,399家的数据为有效数据。这些板块公司的平均市值为831.5 M,标准差为2.402 B。 The Health Care Select Sector SPDR®...
Real Estate Select Sector SPDR Fund (The) (XLRE) Real-time ETF Quotes - Nasdaq offers real-time quotes & market activity data for US and global markets.
查看The Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR® Fund的每股账面价值复合年均增长率(10年)趋势、图表等
SPDR Select Sector Fund - Consumer Discretionary XLY 即时串流报价: 修改 同类ETF (10大ETF资产总值) Consumer Cyclical 名称现价升跌(%) Vanguard Consumer Discretion ETF VCR iShares U.S. Home Construction ETF ITB SPDR Series Trust SPDR Homebuilders ETF ...
The Materials Select Sector SPDR® Fund ETF Holdings and Sector Allocations 21.56K followers $91.92-0.76(-0.82%)4:00 PM 11/14/24 NYSEARCA |$USD |Market Close Summary Holdings Ratings Momentum Expenses Dividends Risk Liquidity Peers Options...
The Energy Select Sector SPDR® Fund seeks to provide investment results that, before expenses, correspond generally to the price and yield performance of...
43.820最高价42.875最低价474.75万股成交量43.110今开43.220昨收2.06亿成交额2.58%换手率--市盈率(静)1.84亿总股本45.26252周最高--市净率80.65亿流通值32.74752周最低1.38股息TTM1.84亿流通股47.528历史最高3.16%股息率TTM2.19%振幅19.574历史最低43.420平均价1股每手 ...