pg阻塞 + pg_top -- select * from pg_stat_activity where pid= pid; = postgresql 运维常用脚本 杀掉进程 - kill 1.查下超过10 s的查询语句 select * From pg_stat_activity where query_start<=now()- interval'10 sec' and state not in ('idle') and pid<>pg_backend_pid() and query ilik...
and pid<>pg_backend_pid() and query ilike'select%'order by query_start ; 2. 超过10s的查询会被干掉 selectpg_terminate_backend(pid) From pg_stat_activitywherequery_start<=now()- interval'10 sec'and state notin('idle') and pid<>pg_backend_pid() and query ilike'select%'order by query...
select count(*) from pg_stat_activity; 2、获取数据库最大连接数 show max_connections 3、查询当前连接数详细信息 select * from pg_stat_activity; 4、查询数据库中各个用户名对应的数据库连接数 select usename, count(*) from pg_stat_activity group by usename; 二、赋权操作 1、为指定用户赋予指定...
pg_stat_activityis system view that shows what is currently happening in the DB. With newer pgs it's rather wide (22 columns as I write this). And, it's not always obvious what all this means. So let's try to figure it out. Connected to databasedepeszwith usertestand got: $SELEC...
pg_stat_activity't3'; pid|datname|locktype|virtualtransaction|transactionid|nspname|relname|mode|granted|query_start---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---4203|test|tuple|4/43||public|t3|Acce...
select count(*) from pg_stat_activity; 2、获取数据库最大连接数 show max_connections 3、查询当前连接数详细信息 select * from pg_stat_activity; 4、查询数据库中各个用户名对应的数据库连接数 select usename, count(*) from pg_stat_activity group by usename; ...
select pid, now(), now() - query_start as query_duration, query from pg_stat_activity where datname = 'cloudx' and pid != pg_backend_pid() and state != 'idle' order by query_duration desc; 产生慢SQL的原因 (1)缺少索引。这种情况下,建议创建索引: ...
到目前为止,我看到的所有文章都解释了如何在orm配置或连接池中添加max/Poolsize属性,但这并不是在数据库中设置空闲连接池。当我在应用程序引导之后验证pg_stat_activity表时,我在数据库中看不到任何空闲连接, 浏览73提问于2021-05-06得票数 1 1回答
pg_read_all_stats (Pg 10+) This role gives ability to fully access allpg_stat_*views, without any “censoring". For example, without this, queries that belong to other users are censored in pg_stat_activity: $SELECTpid,usename,queryFROMpg_stat_activityWHEREusenameIN('depesz','test');...
select*frompg_stat_activitywherepidin(selectpidfrompg_locks aawhereaa.relationin(selectoidfrompg_classwhererelname='sbtest1')); image.png 解决方案 问题就是这条SQL引起的, 所以决定kill这个会话 数据库层kill (失败) 代码语言:sql 复制 selectpg_cancel_backend('pid');-- 返回t, 但sql还在执行select...