postgres15用户表改变 造成的结果就是,用老版本的客户端pgadmin、navicat等会爆这个错误: ERROR: column "datlastsysoid" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT DISTINCT datlastsysoid FROM pg_database ^ 试了用最新的pgadmin4的8.0版本就没有问题了。 2. pgadmin4配置localhost无法连接(postgres和pgadmin4都是用...
11 Surprising results for data types with type modifier 1 Deconstruct json and insert/update it into a different table in an updatable view 5 Solving ON DELETE CASCADE cycles with triggers on MS SQL Server 2 Can I update old data and insert new data if not exists currently in a...
At least since Postgres 9.4, this does not raise an EXCEPTION, just a WARNING. The table is created anyway, with a column of data type unknown if no type is given for the string literal: dbfiddle for pg 9.4 here Postgres 10 introduces more useful default behavior. String literals are cas...
这种形式的 IN 的左手边是一个行构造器, 如 Section 4.2.11 里面所述, 右手边是一个圆括弧括起来的子查询,它必须返回和左手边返回的行中表达式所构成的完全一样多的字段。 左手边表达式就子查询结果的每一行进行计算很比较。如果找到任意相等的子查询行,则 IN 的结果为"真"。如果没有找到相等行, 那么结果为...
我想从 POSTGRES 的表中删除时间戳值早于日期列的所有行。 要删除早于某个时间戳的行,我使用了这个 -- SELECT * from gps_coordinates WHERE sattime < NOW() - INTERVAL 7 DAY; 现在我想从另一个表获取间隔时间并根据该时间删除行。我不知道怎么办。我试过这个。但它不起作用-- DELETE from gps_...
I am using the following query to retrieve users from database, and before this one i just perform a count(*) to retrieve the total number of users. SELECT coalesce(json_agg(_0_users),'[]') as users FROM ( SELECT row_to_json(( SELECT _0_...
The library however, does give you all the tools necessary to create such a custom solution for yourself. For example, if all you need isANDcondition for all properties in an object, you can use something like this: constandProps= obj => ({rawType:true,toPostgres:() =>Object.keys(...
本文信息基于PG13.1。 从PG9.6开始支持并行查询。PG11开始支持CREATE TABLE … AS、SELECT INTO以及CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW的并行查询。 先说结论: 换用create table as 或者select into或者导入导出。 首先跟踪如下查询语句的执行计划: select count(*) from test t1,test1 t2 where = ; ...
pg_restore后的数据库大小不同(389 GB对229 GB) 、、、 我使用PostgreSQL 11.6 (带有TimescaleDB 1.60扩展)使用pg_dump创建了数据库的备份: PGPASSWORD=mypassword pg_dump -h -p 5432 -U postgres -Z0 -Fc database_development 并使用PostgreSQL将其还原到运行相同版本的TimescaleDB 11.6 (具有...