psql -c "SELECT pg_database.datname, pg_database_size(pg_database.datname), pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(pg_database.datname)) FROM pg_da 列出所有的Postgres数据库以及它们的大小(字节或可读形式),以字节大小降序排列 ...
select relname as TABLE_NAME ,col_description(c.oid, 0) as COMMENTS from pg_class c where relkind = 'r' and relname not like 'pg_%' and relname not like 'sql_%' 四、获取数据大小 1、查询执行数据库大小 select pg_size_pretty (pg_database_size('db_product')); 2、查询数据库实例当...
我有一个查询,它使用JDBC工作得很好,但是当切换到hibernate时,它的语法抛出了QueryException (name是我的表masterTable中使用PostGreSql Database的列): String editCodeQuery = "select \"name\" from masterTable"; 例外: org.hibernate.QueryException: unexpected char: '"' [select "name" from com.lnt....
SELECT retrieves data from a table or view.Serving as an overlaid filter for a database table, SELECT filters required data from the table using SQL keywords.The owner of
Cannot create a row of size 8086 which is greater than the allowable maximum row size of 8060 cannot create an index on a view Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider Error 7302. Cannot detach the database 'BDEV' because it is currently in use. Cannot drop a SQL Database cannot ...
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "collation_%"; -- 结果 collation_connection utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci collation_database utf8mb4_general_ci collation_server utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1、基本的SELECT语句 1. SQL的分类 DDL:数据定义语言。CREATE \ ALTER \ DROP \ RENAME \ TRUNCATE -.DML:数据...
-f show.sql 而如果你有一个更复杂的执行方式,如同下面的这个例子 [postgres@pg_qixun ~]$ cat show.sql select * from :a limit...limit :c; select datname from pg_database limit :d; 以上为将变量带入查询中的一些简单的操作,而在POSTGRESQL 有一部分情况是通过将变量带入到函数中的...,我们...
建议在开启这个参数之前,做一下性能测试的监控,确认开启后是否可以满足生产的要求 4)在从库上进行 select count(*), select * from 全表,大表等操作。最好是有一个独立的 standby database 作为独立查询节点。 Have a fun 😃 ! 转载自:
select now() - xact_start , procpid , client_addr , client_port , current_query from pg_stat_activity where xact_start is not null order by 1 desc The actual query is: INSERT INTO summary_show_unique_personas(period, show_id, persona_id, interactions_count) SELECT date_trunc('hour'...
database as datname, plugin, slot_type, datoid, database, active, xmin, catalog_xmin, restart_lsn, pg_size_pretty(pg_xlog_location_diff( case when pg_is_in_recovery() then pg_last_xlog_receive_location() else pg_current_xlog_location() ...