例如在angluar中,使用ng-repeat循环出来值xxx,然后放在option中供select使用。...js块可以这样使用,如下图所示: $(document).ready(function() { $('.js-example-basic-multiple').select2({ data...:[{name:"张三"},{name:"里斯"}] //json格式的数据,当然也可以通过ajax从后端获取数据 }); }); 我...
### 基础概念 MySQL中的循环SELECT通常指的是在一个查询中使用循环结构来重复执行SELECT语句。这在处理大量数据或需要分批处理数据时非常有用。MySQL本身并不直接支持循环结构,但可以...
$languages_select->setLabelAttributes(array('class'=>'select','style'=>'float:left;')); $languages_select->setAttributes(array('class'=>'sel_chosen','multiple'=>'multiple','required'=>true)); $languages_select->setOptions(array('disable_inarray_validator'=>true)); $logo =newElement\Im...
A fuzzy text selector for files and anything else you need to select. Use it from vim, from the command line, or anywhere you can run a shell command. - garybernhardt/selecta
If you are using MySQL database, it is essential that you become comfortable with mysql command line. In this tutorial we’ll explain how to use the MySQL select command with several practical examples. First, to connect to MySQL command line, do the fol
}else{// multiple selection, store all elements//fnComponent.addElement( vertexIndex ); } } }// If single selection, insert the closest point into the array//if( selected && selectInfo.singleSelection() ) { fnComponent.addElement(closestPointVertexIndex);// need to get world space position...
[root@master manifests]# vim deploy.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: myapp-dp namespace: default spec: replicas: 3 副本数调整为3个 revisionHistoryLimit: 5 selector: matchLabels: app: myapp-cx cx: yl strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 3 type: RollingUpdate template...
Sign in to your account Jump to bottom CSS fix #5 Merged vivekkrish merged 1 commit into Arabidopsis-Information-Portal:master from abretaud:css_fix Mar 18, 2019 Merged CSS fix #5 vivekkrish merged 1 commit into Arabidopsis-Information-Portal:master from abretaud:css_fix Mar 18,...
Linux command cut is used for text processing. You can use this command to extract portion of text from a file by selecting columns. This tutorial provides few practical examples of cut command that you can use in your day to day command line activities.
5、multiple inserts多重插入 翻译为多次插入,多重插入,其核心功能是:一次扫描,多次插入。 语法目的就是减少扫描的次数,在一次扫描中。完成多次insert操作。 6、dynamic partition insert动态分区插入 对于分区表的数据导入加载,最基础的是通过load命令加载数据。 在load过程中,分区值是手动指定写死的,叫做静态分区。