Issue Type: Bug I'm sometimes (seems random) unable to select my python kernel. The Select Kernel options shows an empty list and I don't see any of my anaconda environments there. I also tried setting the interpreter by providing the co...
Type: Bug in ipynb file i can run any jupyter notebook in vscode again again it show me select kernal VS Code version: Code 1.85.1 (0ee08df, 2023-12-13T09:47:11.635Z) OS version: Linux x64 5.15.0-91-generic Modes: System Info Item Value ...
5.x 内核源码下载地址.../pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.6.18.tar.gz 下载完 Linux 源码后 , 如果在 Windows 系统中解压 , 需要使用管理员权限在 命令行终端 中解压 ,...Code ) 博客 , 安装 VSCode 软件 ; 打开 VSCode , 选择 ” 菜单栏 / 文件 / 打开文件夹 ” 选项 , 选择 Linux 内核源码目...
"osKernel": "5.11.0-38-generic", "vscode": "1.62.0", "electron": "13.5.1", "node": "v14.16.0" }, "system": { "date": "2021-11-10T10:37:36.339Z", "vscodeRoot": "/snap/code/79/usr/share/code/resources/app", "nrfConnectFor...
[root@localhost shell]# cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid f3542880-0ee8-42d0-a08d-b07da8549477 [root@localhost shell]# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. select循环语句介绍及用法 select循环语句的主要作用可能就是创建菜单,在执行带select循环语句的脚本时,输出会按照数字顺序的列表显示一个菜单项,并显示提示符(默...
在react-select中禁用自动完成或自动填充,可以通过设置inputProps属性来实现。inputProps属性允许你传递一些自定义的属性给input元素。 要禁用自动完成或自动填充,可以在...
Hello Folks, Its been a long time since i blogged. Hope you are all doing good and enjoying SAP HANA and its exciting innovations. In this document we will be discussing
VSCodeTriageBot removed the triage-needed label Sep 29, 2023 rebornix added the under-discussion label Oct 3, 2023 rebornix added the notebook-kernel label Dec 5, 2023 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Assignees...
selecting one, gives me a prompt to install ipykernel in thelocalconda/python interpreter currently selected this doesn't really make sense to me, but fine, install it if you want after it has opened a vscode terminal window and installed ipykernel and a bunch of other packages on my loc...
Open a folder with an ipynb file in it. Choose an existing kernel you know works. Open a Python Terminal via the command I would think that the Python terminal that's opened would match the environment selected for the notebook kernel. I...