SSH to a remote server such as an AWS EC2 server. open a new Jupyter notebook Try to run any simple python code like 1+1 and it could not run. Click "Select Kernel", nothing shows up there to be selected. However, I can run a python scrtipt in a Terminal in VS-Code without a...
(nbWidget.node,, kernelspecs) .then(name=>{if(name) { nbModel.session.changeKernel({name}); } }); } 开发者ID:SimonBiggs,项目名称:jupyter-js-notebook,
Solved: I have my own conda env which I need to use in Jupyter notebook . But Jupyter notebook seems only apply intel built-in python kernels, can
It works fine purely as a text editor since I can open and edit remote files, but I noticed that there is no option to choose python interperter or a jupyter notebook kernel. When I'm editing local files, I can choose the py interp and decide which conda env to use as the notebook...
Guia do Desenvolvedor PDF RSS Modo de foco As traduções são geradas por tradução automática. Em caso de conflito entre o conteúdo da tradução e da versão original em inglês, a versão em inglês prevalecerá. Ao decidir qual tipo de instância do Amazon EC2 usar para...
"DataScience.jupyterSelectURINotRunningDetail": "Cannot connect at this time. Status unknown.", "DataScience.fallbackToUseActiveInterpeterAsKernel": "Couldn't find kernel '{0}' that the notebook was created with. Using the current interpreter.", "DataScience.fallBackToRegisterAndUseActiveInter...
no ask to install ipykernel locally because i already did than in the pdoc environment an hour ago when i was trying this the first time around notebook kernel status now says: nothing happens when i click on the "jupyter server" text ...
DonJayamanne added info-needed notebook-remote notebook-kernel-remote labels Jun 14, 2023 Contributor DonJayamanne commented Jun 14, 2023 Thank you for filing this issue and sorry you are running into this. Until this week, when I upgraded to VS Code 1.79 and latest Jupyter extension, I...
private async computeLaunchInfo( resource: Resource, sessionManager: IJupyterSessionManager, notebookMetadata?: INotebookMetadataLive, cancelToken?: CancellationToken ): Promise<{ info: INotebookServerLaunchInfo; changedKernel: boolean }> { // First we need our launch information so we can start a...
Hi there! Issue The CLI is raising exceptions at least when it is run without any parameters and with the --help parameter, but probably with other parameters too. Poetry reported the line number where the exception was raised: Creating ...