}publicstaticMemberInitExpression GetExpression(Expression parameter, Type sourceType, Type targetType) {varmemberBindings =newList<MemberBinding>();foreach(vartargetItemintargetType.GetProperties().Where(x =>x.CanWrite)) {varfromEntityAttr = targetItem.GetCustomAttribute<FromEntityAttribute>();if(fromEnti...
ToTimeZone(thisDateTime?source,string timeZone){if(!source.HasValue)returnnull;vartz=TimeZoneInfo....
EFCore扩展Select⽅法(根据实体定制查询语句)EFCore扩展Select⽅法(根据实体定制查询语句)通常⽤操作数据库的时候查询返回的字段是跟我们的定义的实体是不⼀致的,所以往往针对UI或者接⼝层创建⼤量的Model, ⽽且需要⼿动对应字段,⾮常繁琐。本⽂将通过表达式树解决这些重复的过程。先贴上实现代码 ...
} public static MemberInitExpression GetExpression(Expression parameter, Type sourceType, Type targetType) { var memberBindings = new List<MemberBinding>(); foreach (var targetItem in targetType.GetProperties().Where(x => x.CanWrite)) { var fromEntityAttr = targetItem.GetCustomAttribute<FromEntityAt...
Bug description Since version 8 and onward, EF core seems to add parameters for primitive typed and primitive collection typed "external" variables that are included in Selects (which is as best as I can describe it 😅; please feel free t...
I'm trying to "translate" in EF core this SQL query:复制 SELECT * FROM Estrazioni WHERE Estrazioni.DataEstrazione = (SELECT MAX(maxEstrazione.DataEstrazione) FROM Estrazioni AS maxEstrazione) I have tried to write this, copying from internet, but I receive a lot of error that I don't ...
EF Core version: 8.0.5 Database provider: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite Target framework: .NET 8.0 Operating system: Linux (/WSL) IDE: Visual Studio Code 1.89.1ranma42 added the customer-reported label May 18, 2024 ranma42 mentioned this issue May 18, 2024 Invalid optimization of ...
在Entity Framework宣布开源后不久Entity Framework(EF) 5就正式发布了,ADO.NET官方博客上EF5 Released列出了EF5的新特性: 枚举类型支持 性能增强,特别是.NET 4.5中 自动使用localDb及SQLServerExpress Spatial types Table Valued Functions 带有多个结果集的存储过程 兼容性方面支持Visual Studio 2010 和 Visual ...
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational.dll Package: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational v9.0.0 Source: SelectExpression.cs An expression that represents a SELECT in a SQL tree. This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally not used in application...
varcities = _dbContext.Cities.Select(city=>newCityViewModel() { Code = city.Code, CityName = city.Name }).ToList(); 那么现在,愉快的使用它吧: varcities = _dbContext.Cities.Select<City, CityViewModel>().ToList(); EFCore自动生成的脚本如下图(并没有查询Id和ProvinceId)...