SELECT from SQL Stored Procedure using OPENROWSET Here is an t-sql OpenQuery example used to select from stored procedure. Note that this time in this sql tutorial, we will be using OPENROWSET instead of OPENQUERY in order to select from a stored procedure result set. SELECT c.CustomerId, c...
The SELECT statement needs a semi-colon afterwards. Also, resultsets are returned to the client application, not to any calling routine. MySQL does have a COALESCE function that accepts any number of parameters and returns the first which is not null....
Create multiple query result in sp_send_dbmail Create stored procedure if doesn't exists in sysobjects Create Stored Procedure in Master DB or MSDB? Create stored procedure on linked server CREATE TABLE - BIT DataType and Default Value Create table from stored procedure Create table help Create...
(x int) returns int begin declare b int; select into b from a left join b on = a.ref where = x; return b; end // create procedure sp(in x int) begin select, a.ref, from a left join b on = a.ref where = x; end // ...
[SP_CARD_M] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. DECLARE @CardNodnumber TABLE (CardNo VARCHAR(20)) INSERT INTO @CardNodnumber (CardNo) SELECT a.card_no FROM dbo.tbl...
EXEC spPROC1 (SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE id = 2) Any help on this is greatly appreciated! Tags: None Ross Presser #2 Jul 20 '05, 05:15 AM Re: Feed stored procedure with SELECT resultset On 21 Oct 2004 07:19:02 -0700, Dieter Gasser wrote: [color=blue] > I have two SQL...
Does not seem to be resolved in 5.1.52. The query: create procedure p8() begin declare i int default 0; create temporary table tv as select 'tv1' tv_1_col; select 'tv is a base table' A; l:loop set i=i+1; if (i=3) then leave l; end if; select * from tv; if (i=...
SELECT * INTO my_temp_table FROM my_stored_procedure(); 其中,my_stored_procedure()是存储过程的名字,my_temp_table是临时表的名字。 使用SELECT语句中的CALL语句执行存储过程 SELECT语句中的CALL语句可以调用存储过程。因此,我们可以使用CALL语句来执行存储过程,具体语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 CALL my_stored...
Dear Sir, Can i get a solution for my problem described below ? I have a stored procedure with a select query like Select custcode,mob from tableCustomer where custcode in (@custcode) here @custcode declared as varchar(50) from a page am calling this procedure with parameter str...