transform(todos, [status]){returntodos.filter( (todoModel)=>{//Only showing the todo starts with 'e'returntodoModel.status ===status; } ) } So No we will only pipe 'started' status. We need a selector to handle the status: import {Component, EventEmitter, Output} from 'angular2/cor...
(todoModel)=>{//Only showing the todo starts with 'e'returntodoModel.status ===status; } ) } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. So No we will only pipe 'started' status. We need a selector to handle the status: import {Component, EventEmitter, Output} from 'angular2/core'; @Compo...
Select Dropdown is an angular component that allows you to create a dropdown selection by passing in a few parameters. Installation npm install select-dropdown In app.module import{SelectDropdownModule}from'select-dropdown';@NgModule({declarations:[AppComponent],imports:[SelectDropdownModule],provi...
import { SelectDropDownModule } from 'ngx-select-dropdown' addSelectDropDownModuleto the imports of your NgModule: @NgModule({ imports: [ ..., SelectDropDownModule ], ... }) class YourModule { ... } include css styles in youangular-cli.jsonfor versions earlier than 1.4.0 ...
下面将整个过程记录下来。1 首先在项目文件中导入插件 npm i ng-multiselect-dropdown 2 插件的github地址为 3 参考文档使用 4 修改默认配置 在node_modules中找到多选插件 找到下面的配置,将其修改 ...
(search: string, item: INgxSelectOption) => boolean null The callback function for custom filtering the select list Output Description (typed) Fired on changing search input. Returns string (focus) Fired on select focus (blur) Fired on select blur (open) Fired on select dropdown open (clos...
var dropdown = angular.element('#carTextDropdown-' + carIndex).data('kendoDropDownList'); if (dropdown) {; if ( !== undefined) { dropdown.value(; dropdown.trigger('select'); } }...
最近项目需要用到select多选框,故找了一些插件,最终选择了ng-multiselect-dropdown插件,下面将整个过程记录下来。 1 首先在项目文件中导入插件 npm i ng-multiselect-dropdown 2 插件的github地址为 ...
dropdown_custom_list" ng-model="selectedHotel" ng-options=" for hotel in hotels"> <option value="">select one--</option> </select> <div> Hotel name: {{}} Category: {{selectedHotel.category | json}} </div> </div> <script> // Code goes here
</dropdown> <dropdown conf="dropDownBox2" > </dropdown> </body> <script>varexpModule=angular.module('expanderModule',[]) expModule.directive('dropdown',function($rootScope) {return{ restrict :'EA', scope: { conf:'=conf', }, ...