嘿嘿 div a:nth-child(7) 也不难。 第二个呢,可以这么写 div a:first-child+a 可是倒数第二个该怎么写呢? 最终我还是找到了css标准 http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#nth-last-child-pseudo 也许这个是学习css的最佳途径
第一种: driver.find_element_by_css_selector('.bg') 第二种: driver.find_element_by_css_selector('.s_btn_wr') (第一种跟第二种查找的时候会有一个弊端,比如第一种,会查找到所有class='bg'的元素,第二种也是一样) 第三种:是可以唯一对应到的 driver.find_element_by_css_selector('.bg.s_...
driver.find_element_by_css_selector('ul li div span') 1 2 5、子元素(child)选择 选择元素的子元素 (和后代选择器有不同之处) 元素跟元素直接是直接隶属的关系,可以用 > #choose_car > option (option是choose_car的直接子节点) choose_car是父级,option是子级 , 是直接隶属的关系 driver.find_elem...
This CSS tutorial explains how to use the CSS selector called :first-child with syntax and examples. The CSS :first-child selector allows you to target an element that is the first child element within its parent.
This CSS tutorial explains how to use the CSS selector called :only-child with syntax and examples. The CSS :only-child selector allows you to target an element that is the only child element within its parent.
The :first-child selector matches the first child element.:first-child is a Pseudo-class and it applies to any element that is the first child of another element. With :first-child pseudo-class, an element is matched only when it is the first child of another element. For example, p:...
后代选择器:通过元素的层级关系来选择元素,例如parent-element child-element。 伪类选择器:通过元素的状态或位置来选择元素,例如:hover、:first-child等。 使用cssSelector查找硒元素的示例代码如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 from selenium import webdriver # 创建浏览器驱动 driver = webdriver.Chrome() # 打开网页 drive...
element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#kw") # 根据 id 定位元素 element.send_keys("自动化测试") # 输入内容 sleep(3) # 强制休眠 3 秒 driver.quit() # 关闭浏览器 根据class 定位 根据class 属性选择元素的语法是,在 class 值前面加上一个".":.class值 ...
操让我们更加有经验,这里做了一个elementUI eleselect+tree的下拉组件 功能实现完成,但是有点不完美,选中后无法关闭下拉框 这个是重点 加了一行代码 this.$refs.selectblur.blur(); image.png 页面引用 <SelectTree:props="props":options="optionData":clearable="isClearable":accordion="isAccordion":value="va...
Version 2.5.16 Reproduction link https://jsfiddle.net/eywraw8t/213640/ Steps to reproduce Create a CSS class with the selector :first-child and apply it on an element with the directive v-for. What is expected? The first element of the l...