Oracle PL / SQL PL SQL Table of Type Select bulk collect into SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE MyTable ( 2 num_col NUMBER, 3 char_col VARCHAR2(60) 4 ); Table created. SQL> SQL> DECLARE 2 TYPE t_Numbers IS VARRAY(10) OF MyTable.num_col%TYPE; 3 v_Numbers t_Numbers; 4 BEGIN 5 ...
本文涵蓋當語句搭配BULK COLLECT INTO子句和DISTINCT子句使用語句時SELECT,Oracle 的 SQL Server 移轉小幫手 (SSMA) 為何不會轉換 PL/SQL 區塊。 背景 集合是一組已排序的元素,所有相同類型。 這是包含清單、陣列和其他熟悉數據類型的一般概念。 每個元素都有唯一的下標,可決定其在集合中的位置。 子DISTINCT句指定...
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_values AS TYPE value_table IS TABLE OF NUMBER INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; v_values value_table; BEGIN -- 第一个SELECT语句 SELECT column_name BULK COLLECT INTO v_values FROM table_name WHERE condition1; -- 输出结果 FOR i IN 1..v_values.COUNT LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT...
一种选择是使用内置的sys.odcivarchar2list类型并将bulk collect添加到其中。样表(部门名称将放入集合):
一种选择是使用内置的sys.odcivarchar2list类型并将bulk collect添加到其中。样表(部门名称将放入集合)...
A SELECT ... BULK COLLECT INTO statement can return multiple rows. You must set up collection variables to hold the results. You can declare associative arrays or nested tables that grow as needed to hold the entire result set. The implicit cursor SQL and its attributes %NOTFOUND, %FOUND,...
execute immediate 'sql' returning into var_1; execute immediate 'sql' bulk collect into indexed_var; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. --动态命令的实用参考一( select ..into) --Execute immediate 命令在使用into关键字时与静态的plsql块中 ...
intovar_1, var_2;executeimmediate'sql'using[in|out|in out]bind_var_1,[in|out|in out]bind_var_2;executeimmediate'sql_select'intovar_1, var_2 using[in|out|in out]bind_var_1,[in|out|in out]bind_var_2;executeimmediate'sql'returningintovar_1;executeimmediate'sql'bulkcollectintoindexed...
在Oracle中,SELECT INTO语句用于将查询结果存储到一个变量或表中。具体来说,SELECT INTO语句可以用于以下几个方面:1. 将查询结果存储到变量中:可以通过SELECT I...
The operand ofTABLEis aSELECTstatement that returns a single column value, which must be a nested table or a varray. OperatorTABLEinforms Oracle that the value is a collection, not a scalar value. variable_name A previously declared variable into which aselect_itemvalue is fetched. For eachse...