The goal of any security awareness program should be to change employee’s perception of cybersecurity – helping them understand that it is not an inconvenience, but something that can help them be more effective in their jobs. But, effectively educating employees on email and web security canno...
Cybersecurity report generation A suite if due diligence features for secure vendor onboarding. For an overview of how UpGuard can help you simplify the attack surface management component of TPRM, watch the video below. Ready to see UpGuard in action? Free trial Tags: Third-Party Risk Manage...
Zavadskas, E.K.; Antuchevičienė, J.; Šaparauskas, J.; Turskis, Z. MCDM methods WASPAS and MULTIMOORA: Verification of robustness of methods when assessing alternative solutions. Econ. Comput. Econ. Cyber. Stud. Res. 2013, 47, 5–20. [Google Scholar] Zavadskas, E.K.; An...