When environmental conditions exert sex-specific selection on offspring, mothers should benefit from biasing their sex allocation towards the sex with the highest fitness in a given environment. Yet, studies show mixed support for such adaptive strategies in vertebrates, which may be due to mechanistic...
Unsure of your wellness travel goals and provider selection? Let Dr. Prem's experienced advisor team guide you. We assess your wellness needs and recommend only the providers who share our philosophy and principles. Our long-standing partnerships with providers ensure a highly satisfactory wellness ...
In addition to the adoption of the roof light windows and natural light in all regions should provide artificial lighting. Lighting types of selection and protection in their respective regions. The table below gives the intensity of the lighting design ...
Durability:Durability is a critical characteristic of high-quality wood ingredients. They should be able to resist damage from insects, moisture, and other environmental factors. Wood species with natural durability, such as teak or cedar, are excellent choices for outdoor applications. Grain:The gra...
European legal ethos. In fact, the following paragraphs corroborate one of the generalPrinciples of Religion Law Common to the States of Europe, according to which ‘the States may impose such restrictions on the preservation of religious sites or objects, as are necessary to protect their ...
Its most important conclusion is that there is life on Earth, or the biosphere as a whole, because ordered living structures help dissipate the energy from the sun on our planet more quickly as heat than just absorption of light by rocks and water12,13,14. However, such principles have ...
The problem is to pack all the items into the fewest number of bins with the same capacity. There are N different sizes of items, and each size i has a quantity qi and a size si. Let yj be a binary variable to indicate whether bin j is used in a solution (yj=1) or not (yj=...
Because of the indirect evidence for benefits of information transfer for both the emitter and receiver (e.g., communication), our study establishes plants as a model system to understand basic principles of information sharing and communication among organisms. We suggest that, similar to animal ...
genre anthologies were compiled. The ―Jingji zhi‖ 經籍志(Monograph on Bibliography) of the Sui shu records the titles of 249 anthologies that were compiled from the Western Jin to the Sui period (265–618). Nearly all of these works have been lost. The Wen xuan is the only one of ...
To conduct sustainable construction projects successfully, it is crucial to understand the principles of sustainable development and the challenges and barriers, as well as the drivers and goals associated with them. For instance, a variety of challenges and barriers impact sustainability in construction...