闪回点过旧时,因闪回版本被回收等导致无法获取旧版本会导致闪回失败,报错:Restore point too old。 通过时间方式指定闪回点,闪回数据和实际时间点最多偏差为3秒。 对表执行TRUNCATE之后,再进行闪回查询或者闪回表操作。通过时间点进行的闪回操作会报错:Snapshot too old。通过CSN进行的闪回操作会找不到数据,或者报错:...
从表a中查询id、name,按照name分组对num求和,并输出。 obclient>SELECTid,name,SUM(num)FROMaGROUPBYname;+---+---+---+|id|name|SUM(num)|+---+---+---+|1|a|150||2|b|200|+---+---+---+ 从表a中查询id、name,按照name分组对num求和,查询num总和小于160...
When the flashback point is too old, the old version cannot be obtained because the flashback version is recycled. As a result, the flashback fails and the error message "Restore point too old" is displayed. The flashback point is specified by time. The maximum difference between the flash...
CmdletGet-ComputerInfo3.1.0.0Microsoft.PowerShell.Management > Command.txt:1189:CmdletGet-ComputerRestorePoint3.1.0.0Microsoft.PowerShell.Management Command.txt:1190:CmdletGet-Content3.1.0.0Microsoft.PowerShell.Management Command.txt:1191:CmdletGet-ControlPanelItem3.1.0.0Microsoft.PowerShell.Manageme...
RestorePointEncryptionType RestorePointExpandOptions RestorePointInstanceView RestorePointSourceMetadata RestorePointSourceVMDataDisk RestorePointSourceVMStorageProfile RestorePointSourceVmosDisk RoleInstanceListResult RoleInstanceNetworkProfile RoleInstances RollbackStatusInfo RollingUpgradeActionType R...
This parameter must specify a name of a load module, load module alias, or an entry point that is accessible by use of the LINK macro. See thez/OS ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Referencefor restrictions that apply to dialogs in various languages. ...
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT (CETAS) creates an external table and then exports, in parallel, the results of a T-SQL SELECT statement.
LOCATION must point to a folder and have a trailing /, for example: aggregated_data/. Applies to: SQL Server 2022 (16.x) and later prefix://path[:port] provides the connectivity protocol (prefix), path and optionally the port, to the external data source, where the result of the ...
Tab to point-and-shoot fields Specifies that you want to use the Tab key to move the cursor through the point-and-shoot fields on a panel. Note:You cannot use the Tab key for this purpose if you are running in GUI mode. Restore TEST/TRACE options ...
Click a point feature or a segment edge, or click and drag the pointer to create the selection boundary. Circle Click a point feature or a segment edge, or click and drag the pointer to create the selection boundary. Line Click to create each vertex of the boundary, and double-click ...