Media.Audio 编辑 获取高级查询语法 (AQS) 字符串,可用于查找可为其创建 AudioPlaybackConnection 的设备。 C# 复制 public static string GetDeviceSelector(); 返回 String AQS 字符串。 注解 将返回的字符串传递到 DeviceInformation.CreateWatcher 方法,以创建 DeviceWatcher, 以便在添加或删除设备时通知应...
Media.Audio 編輯 取得進階查詢語法 (AQS) 字串,可用來尋找可建立 AudioPlaybackConnection 的裝置。 C# 複製 public static string GetDeviceSelector(); 傳回 String AQS 字串。 備註 將傳回的字串傳遞至 DeviceInformation.CreateWatcher 方法,以建立 DeviceWatcher ,以在新增或移除裝置時通知您的應用程式。
***beware: do not purchase the Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 14 - it is a lemon through and through*** Hi there - I am back again with a new problem: The laptop does not play through my external speakers when I plug them in, even when I set the external speakers to ...
I would suggest you to try setting the speaker as default audio output by following the steps below and check if it helps. 1. Right click on the sound icon on the right bottom corner of the taskbar. 2. Select "playback devices". 3. If "speaker" is not set as ...
ITMediaPlayback 介面 ITMediaRecord 介面 ITMediaSupport 介面 ITMultiTrackTerminal 介面 ITPhone 介面 ITPhoneDeviceSpecificEvent 介面 ITPhoneEvent 介面 ITPluggableTerminalClassInfo 介面 ITPluggableTerminalSuperclassInfo 介面 ITPrivateEvent 介面 ITQOSEvent 介面 ITRequest 介面 ITRequestEvent 介面 ITScriptableA...
IAMAudioInputMixer 介面 IAMAudioRendererStats 介面 IAMBufferNegotiation 介面 IAMCameraControl 介面 IAMCertifiedOutputProtection 介面 IAMClockAdjust 介面 IAMClock一介面 IAMCopyCaptureFileProgress 介面 IAMCrossbar 介面 IAMDecoderCaps 介面 IAMDeviceRemoval 介面 IAMDevMemoryAllocator 介面 IAMDevMemoryControl...
Modern Windows setups often do have multiple audio devices (in my case 4+) that can be used for output. The app definitively needs an option to quickly switch the audio device while playing. Currently, there is not even an option to select a device at all. The app simply uses the ...
B&O may be using Realtek audio drivers, I don't know since I don't have a HP PC using B&O audio. Check Control Panel>Sound. You should be able to set Realtek as the default playback device if Realtek is a choice. Then check Control Panel>Device Manager for errors in Sound and...
B&O may be using Realtek audio drivers, I don't know since I don't have a HP PC using B&O audio. Check Control Panel>Sound. You should be able to set Realtek as the default playback device if Realtek is a choice. Then check Control Panel>Device Manager for errors in Sound and...
content (e.g., news by evaluating and encoding an input audio stream while outputting another stream. Undesirable audio content (e.g., advertisements and unwanted news) are not present in the output audio stream as only desired portions of information content are stored for playback on demand....