deviceType string, signal double, `time` string )row format serde '' stored as textfile; load data local inpath '/home/zimodata/device.json' into table json_table_immediately; select * from json_table_immediately limit 10; ...
// 前端代码$.ajax({url:'query.php',type:'POST',dataType:'json',data:{query:'SELECT * FROM table'},success:function(response){// 处理返回的数据console.log(response);},error:function(xhr,status,error){// 处理错误console.log(error);}});// 后端代码(query.php)<?php// 连接数据库$serv...
SELECTcoljson, coljson->>'$.a'ASsubdocFROMjson_tableWHEREpkint=1; 关于JSON函数的更多信息,请参见JSON函数。 目标表信息(table_references) 通过目标表信息指定需要查询的表。 SELECTorderpriceFROMorders; WHERE子句(where_condition) 通过WHERE子句查询满足指定条件的数据。使用规则如下: ...
DECLARE @StartRoot VARCHAR(100);SET @StartRoot='<Json_Row>' DECLARE @EndRoot VARCHAR(100);SET @EndRoot='</Json_Row>' SET @SQL = 'SET @XML = (select * from ' + '(select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by t.[' + @soid + ']) as idSort, * from (' + @ParameterSQL + ') as ...
Continue readingSQL/JSON is here! (kinda “Waiting for Pg 17") How to get a row, and all of it’s dependencies? This question was asked at least twice on some support channel. Getting a row is trivial:select * from table where id = ?. But what about dependencies – the rows that...
CREATE TABLE arrays_test ( s String, arr Array(UInt8) ) ENGINE = Memory 插入测试数据。 INSERT INTO arrays_test VALUES ('Hello', [1,2]), ('World', [3,4,5]), ('Goodbye', []) 查询表arrays_test。 SELECT * FROM arrays_test; 结果集: ┌─s───────┬─arr─────┐│...
JSON [ {"name":"Parker McLean","team":"Field sales","phone":"206-555-0147"}, {"name":"Beibit Shayakhmet","team":"Field sales","phone":"206-555-0178"} ] 備註 只有在 子句只宣告了一個別名時FROM,語法SELECT *才有效。SELECT *提供一個身分識別投影,在無需投影的情況下會非常實用。SELE...
在FROM子句的每种形式中,table_name都是被查询的S3Object。对于来自传统关系数据库的用户,可以将其视为一个数据库架构,其中包含一个表的多个视图。 按照标准 SQL,FROM子句将会创建在WHERE子句中筛选并在SELECT列表中投影的行。 对于在 Amazon S3 Select 中存储的 JSON 对象,您也可以使用以下形式的FROM子句: ...
...常用的 JSON 函数和操作 ️ 3.1 查询 JSON 数据 使用->操作符从 JSON 对象中提取特定键的值: SELECT data->'key' FROM my_table; 使用@>操作符检查...JSON 对象是否包含指定的键值对: SELECT data->'key' FROM my_table WHERE data @> '{"key": "value"}'; 3.2 修改 JSON 数据......