PEMBERDAYAAN ANAK SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS (SMA) DALAM UPAYA PENGENALAN TUBERCULOSIS PARU DI KABUPATEN BANDUNG BARATEducate high school student about the dangers of tuberculosis has not been done. The tuberculosis (TB) disease is common in the community and it is contagious, while the the protection...
The current important government's policy (Depdiknas) is that the departmentincreases the number of vocational high school students (SMK) so that it is higherthan the number of general senior high school students (SMA). The ratio of SMK andSMA students in 2010 would be around 50:50,...
TKIT MIftahul Jannah Sragen Kami sudah 4 tahun menjadi pelanggan. Selama ini vansbags amanah sekali. Produksinya tepat waktu dan pengirimannya cepat. Kualitasnya tidak diragukan lagi, awet dipakai sampai 2 tahun ajaran baru. BA Aisiyah Menuran Sukoharjo Tasnya bagus kualitasnya, amanah ...
Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas pelaksanaan model terhadap pengetahuan, sikap, perilaku (PSP) dan self efficacy guru sekolah dasar tentang DBD di sekolah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan jenis ... A Pujiyanti,W Trapsilowati,H Suwasono - 《Media of...
Bandung : PT. Alma’arif. Cet. 13. Tauhid dengan Ibadah dan Akhlakul Karimah, Yogyakarta : UII Press Jogjakarta. Zaki Mubarok Latif, dkk., 2001, Akidah Islam, Yogyakarta : UII Press. Sumber Tulisan : Aris Badaruddin Thoha, S.Ag., M.Ag, Posted in Makalah | Bahan Kuliah | Lain-...
The North Bandung Area (KBU) has a function as a rainwater catchment area in the Bandung Basin. However, today, KBU has experienced land conversion, especially agricultural land into built-up land. If land conversion in KBU cannot be controlled and continues to ...
The results of data tabulation by percentage technique indicate that the teachers physical educational at Bandung has commonly used physical education learning model which is based on movement problem based learning. According to this research it is suggested to arrange a continuation research which ...
The school has held in house training to make all teachers understands about the curriculum and thus could apply it in the classroom. Yet in reality teachers sometimes misunderstood the practice of the curriculum. The 2013 Curriculum is ideal for use in today's school learning system because the...
It adopted descriptive survey method. The population and sample of this research were all principals and mentor-teachers who supervised the professional internship program for 2014-2015 academic year. Data were collected using close-ended questionnaires as the instrument and were then analyzed with ...
PENINGKATAN KEPEDULIAN LINGKUNGAN PADA SISWA SEKOLAH MELALUI BANK SAMPAH DI DESA TANGSIMEKAR, KECAMATAN PASEH, KABUPATEN BANDUNGdoi:10.24198/dharmakarya.v11i1.26408Waste becomes one of the things that need to be considered in its management because it can cause adv...