Seehow to cure Dragonrot right here. So, those other effects. They don’t kick in until you really die. Like that you die and choose to not resurrect, or don’t have one available to you. In this case you will die and return to the last Sculptor’s Idol you interacted with. Howev...
For more Sekiro guides, check out our guide detailinghow death worksin the game, as well ashow to cure Dragonrot. You can also read about where to find someessential early game shinobi prosthetics. Otherwise, check out ourguide roundup. ...
You might also want to read up on how death impacts Sekiro and how to cure Dragonrot, and take a look at our Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice review. Clearing The Battlefield You'll find the Ogre in the Ashina Outskirts area, in the Outskirts Wall--Stairway section. Before doing anything else...
Dragonrot and NPCs As you die in Sekiro, you will start getting things called Dragonrot. This makes NPCs in the world fall ill and start coughing up blood. Pretty nasty. What’s more, once an NPC is afflicted, he or she will not be able to give you hints or information and you can...
A little ways into the game, you’ll be able to collect a blood sample from someone dealing with Dragonrot. Doing so will help Emma create a cure, giving you a Recovery Charm and Dragon’s Blood Droplet. These items will allow you to cure everyone with Dragonrot at Sculptor’s Idols....
gonna tackle this fight probably the next days. but i assume that at this point it doesnt matter how many times you die, since hes the last boss and you can spread dragonrot all over the place without consequences because you will tackle ng+ ...