but the will behind that power would appear to be Kuro's will, not the will of the Sakura Dragon. The Sakura Dragon is suffering and ill in Ashina. If it had a will, one could presume remaining in Ashina is not what it would prefer. But, The Sakura Dragon does not say anything so...
Even 5 years after its release, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice continues to be one of the finest games to have ever come out of FromSoftware. And that’s a big statement since the developer is behind some of the most influential games including but not limited to Armored Core or Dark Souls....
repeatedly reviving the avatar after defeat to try their hand again and again. While this practical threaded aspect has always factored into the narrative,Sekiroleverages it more thoroughly and even intimately than any other, as Kuro infuses his immortal gift to...