死滅Sekhmet of Death名称测试结果如下: 公司名称:死滅 Sekhmet of Death 数理:20 签语:(屋下藏金)非业破运的空虚数。 吉凶:中吉 含义:物将坏之象。破败衰亡之数,具有短命非业的诱导。危机四伏,灾难迭至,凶祸频临,一生不得安宁,不如意,万事难成,陷于逆境。或导致病弱、短命、非业、破灭,或幼时别亲,...
I have drawn the character "Sekhmet of Death" from the korean gacha game "Last Origin". She is one of my favourite characters from Last Origin and since I could draw, I decided to make a mod and put her into this game.It was long and difficult but after one month of asking many ...
Surely he doesn’t think she will hesitate to acknowledge how closely Set is bound to her, in blood and death, in the birth of life from death and death from life. It will only make it easier to eat him. She marches onward. Her worshippers burn and die beneath her tread. ...
At that time the ancient barbarous race among which he and his followers had settled had been raised to a high degree of civilization. Thoth was an immortal that is, had conquered death passing only when he willed, and even then, not through death. His vast wisdom made him ruler over ...
I choose silent, because, as holographic mirror, I'm on the end of the self sufficient journey (like ROSEOLOGY said in 4th group). yes, this journey is lead by unknown, yes, this journey is adjust by unexpected events, yes, this journey is full of ideas death and rebirth, you never...
Our guide will help you to kill that creature and save you from an inevitable death. Anubis Sobek Sekhmet Anubis Suggested level: 40 Rewards: 1000 XP, an exclusive weapon. Attack the god with a bow. He has a weak point on his body - marked blue in the picture. That spot is easy ...