Text © 1996-2001 Charles A. Gimon This is anon-profit, educationalsite. Permission is granted to copy as long as the material is not used for commercial purposes. If you like Sejarah Indonesia, you can help support it: by buying books throughthe Gimonca Bookstore, ...
Text © 1996-2001 Charles A. Gimon This is anon-profit, educationalsite. Permission is granted to copy as long as the material is not used for commercial purposes. If you like Sejarah Indonesia, you can help support it: by buying books throughthe Gimonca Bookstore, ...
MILITER DAN KONSTRUKSI IDENTITAS NASIONAL: ANALISIS BUKU TEKS PELAJARAN SEJARAH SMA MASA ORDE BARUThis study aims to analyze the influence of the military in constructing national identity through history lesson textbooks for high schools in the period of New Order government. The move is motivated...
Selain itu,auto basebisa populer karena masyarakat Indonesia cenderung takut berpendapat. Penulis dan pegiat literasi digital Lamia Putri Damayanti menilai kebebasan berpendapat yang dikekang atau direpresi sejak era Orde Baru masih menyisakan jejaknya di era pascareformasi. Banyak orang Indon...