This description is in a 4000 year old manuscript from the Middle East and the author proposed that the victim was being punished by the god of the moon.1 It is now considered to be the earliest account of an epileptic seizure. Today, people with seizures still face stigma around the ...
Your healthcare provider will ask for a detailed description of each seizure. If possible, bring someone with you who saw you have a seizure. You may also need any of the following:Blood tests may show the cause of your seizures. The tests may be used to check your blood glucose, ...
That the diagnosis of the nature of convulsive seizures under our present classification often presents great difficulty no careful student of medicine can deny; and it is to emphasize this fact that the description of this condition is presented. Four well-marked cases of this kind have come und...
Include details about the side of your body that seemed more affected. Tell the provider how close together the seizures were if you had more than one. Your healthcare provider will ask for a detailed description of each seizure. If possible, bring someone with you who saw you have a ...
Description Seizures in horses and humans are defined as abnormal motor or behavioral activity arising from the brain as a result of dysfunction in the frontal cortex. The sudden, uncontrolled burst of brain activity that precludes a seizure involves a small area of the horse's brain and may re...
Jangles, (don't worry about how he got that nickname) has recurrent episodes of fainting when he stands. You notice t Name the respiratory symptom from the given description: difficult breathing ___ a. In cases of acute respiratory failure (ARF) what would cause a primarily h...
Physical examination can be helpful in checking head size, presence of micro/macrosomia, dysmorphisms, and somatic abnormalities [32],with the aim to identify clues for the underlying condition. General appearance, vital signs, level of alertness, and fontanelle characteristics might suggest bacterial...
try to determine the underlying cause of it. Seizures are initially diagnosed based upon the owner’s description and an exam. If possible, ask a friend or family member to safely video your dog’s seizure activity, as this will help your veterinarian accurately diagnose your dog’s condition...
Physical examination can be helpful in checking head size, presence of micro/macrosomia, dysmorphisms, and somatic abnormalities [32],with the aim to identify clues for the underlying condition. General appearance, vital signs, level of alertness, and fontanelle characteristics might suggest bacterial...
Include details about the side of your child's body that seemed more affected. Tell the provider how close together the seizures were if your child had more than one. Your healthcare provider will ask for a detailed description of each seizure. If you did not see the seizure, try to ...