80 PWE aged ≥16 who have visited the ED in the prior 12 months on ≥2 occasions, along with one of their family members or friends, will be recruited from three NHS EDs. Dyads will be randomised to receive the intervention or treatment as usual alone. The proposed primary outcome is...
Recording seizures with multimodal combined µECoG and calcium imaging will not be achievable in human patients in the near future. However, there is already evidence that experimental high-resolution recordings can aid in the identification of novel biomarkers with translational potential. For example,...
IdnenthderitNesPo(fnnoenu-rpornesg, nant rats) asnindceP t(hniosrmstaailnphreagsnbaenetnrawtsi)dgelryouupsse,dnotormidaelnnteifuyrownhsehthaedr renleautrivonelsyalraergdeacmelalgbeodd. iIens, twheereNrPich in cytop(lnaosnm-p, raengdnahnatdraotns)eaonrdtPw(onloarrmgaelrporuengndanut...