The Finale: Directed by Andy Ackerman. With Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Michael Richards, Jason Alexander. After George and Jerry land a production deal with NBC, the four head out for Paris on NBC's private plane and are waylaid in a small Mass
There’s been no news of any plans to revive the series or characters. Behind the Scenes •A one-hour retrospective aired prior to the finale episode. •The last episode was criticized by many as being too harsh and vindictive towards the characters. Others appreciated the inventive way of...
‘Seinfeld’ ended 25 years ago with an infamous series finale. What are the best ‘Seinfeld’ episodes, and what are the worst? We ranked every single episode of the show to find out just that.
Episodes: 180 eps, 1 special Genre(s): Comedy Credits:[show/hide] Down to Latest Season Printable Guide @TVmaze Show Summary @TVmaze list as .csv IMDb Share TV TV Club Wikipedia FAQ SEARCH epguides Menus & Grids Episode list & details from:TVmaze ...
宋飞正传 第九季 Seinfeld Season 9第24集 大结局·下 本集中文名:大结局·下 本集原名:The Finale (Part 2) 播放时间:1998-05-15星期五(当地时间) 剧情简介: In this final episode of the series, Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer are arrested for their callous indifference to a car jacking victim...
Plus, Seinfeld said he felt the connection between their two shows strengthened the finale of Seinfeld, which landed controversially upon its release 25 years ago and had divided audiences ever since. “We were talking that day a lot about who has the best series finale episode,...
宋飞正传 第九季 Seinfeld Season 9第23集 大结局·上 本集中文名:大结局·上 本集原名:The Finale (Part 1) 播放时间:1998-05-15星期五(当地时间) 剧情简介: In this final episode of the series, Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer are arrested for their callous indifference to a car jacking victim...
Over 50 TV viewers have voted on the 20+ items on Every Episode Of 'Seinfeld' Season 9, Ranked. Current Top 3: The Merv Griffin Show, The Serenity Now, The ...
As we close in on the 25th anniversary of “The Finale,” here are 11 facts about the episode that fans of the show should know. 1. The series begins and ends with a discussion about shirt buttons. On July 5, 1989, NBC aired the pilot, back when the show was called The Seinfeld...
Actor best known for memorable five-episode arc on sitcom's fourth season dies following brief illness obituary By Daniel Kreps Jerry Seinfeld Says 'Something Is Going to Happen' With That Infamous 'Seinfeld' Finale The comedian said he and Larry David had something in the works though declined...