series about nothing is largely about food, from the Soup Nazi to Kenny Rogers Roasters.Seinfeld's comedy consistently comes from the acquisition, the eating, the desire and, yes, the resentment of different kinds of foods. It's all Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer ever seem to talk...
Kenny Rogers' Roasters sets up shop across the street from Jerry and Kramer's apartment building. Unfortunately, their unusually large chicken sign causes problems for everybody. Kramer and Jerry wind up switching apartments--and personalities--because of it. Vote! The Little Kicks (1996) Jerry...
Jerry bumped into an old buddy from college and told him to blow off a business meeting to hang out. However, blowing off the meeting ended up getting him fired and he was forced to take a fast food job atthe Kenny Rogers Roasters chicken restaurant that just opened up across the street...
Watching Kramer go from annoyed to obsessed by the encroaching capitalist fast-food glow of Kenny Rogers Roasters is as scary as it is funny because it doesn’t actually seem all that far-fetched. 56. “The Fix-Up” (Season 3). A lot of exposition around a broken condom and a possible...
- Season 7, episode 6 - Air date: Nov. 2, 1995 Inspired by a real-life—andnow bankrupted—operation, "The Soup Nazi" centers on a chef with a very strict ordering-out policy. When a customer fails to abide by the policy, the man retracts the order, famously shouting, "No soup ...
series about nothing is largely about food, from the Soup Nazi to Kenny Rogers Roasters.Seinfeld's comedy consistently comes from the acquisition, the eating, the desire and, yes, the resentment of different kinds of foods. It's all Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer ever seem to talk ...
series about nothing is largely about food, from the Soup Nazi to Kenny Rogers Roasters.Seinfeld's comedy consistently comes from the acquisition, the eating, the desire and, yes, the resentment of different kinds of foods. It's all Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer ever seem to talk ...