Few things have caused as much chaos as the Kenny Rogers Roasters franchise that opens up across the street from Jerry's building in "The Chicken Roaster." Kramer can't resist the siren song of roasted chicken, even despite the giant neon sign ruining his life. When he and Jerry sw...
Watching Kramer go from annoyed to obsessed by the encroaching capitalist fast-food glow of Kenny Rogers Roasters is as scary as it is funny because it doesn’t actually seem all that far-fetched. 56. “The Fix-Up” (Season 3). A lot of exposition around a broken condom and a possible...
It's no secret that "Seinfeld" co-creator—and real-life George Costanza—Larry David based numerous storylines on his personal experiences. And nowhere does this personal connection work to the show's advantage more than in "The Contest." This edgy, Emmy Award-winning episode finds Jerry and...
Few things have caused as much chaos as the Kenny Rogers Roasters franchise that opens up across the street from Jerry's building in "The Chicken Roaster." Kramer can't resist the siren song of roasted chicken, even despite the giant neon sign ruining his life. When he and Jerry swap apa...
Few things have caused as much chaos as the Kenny Rogers Roasters franchise that opens up across the street from Jerry's building in "The Chicken Roaster." Kramer can't resist the siren song of roasted chicken, even despite the giant neon sign ruining his life. When he and Jerry swap...