黑鲍鱼 Seiko sbdy041 20630 13 只看楼主 高小乘 楼主 初级表友 认证表主 2021-09-11 20:53 本帖最后由 高小乘 于 2021-09-17 19:18 编辑 机缘巧合下收了这块黑鲍鱼,戴了几天还是非常喜欢。这只说是日本地区限定版,网上介绍的不多。荧光色的指针,起初觉得有点突兀,时间长了觉得也挺有特色。表盘中间...
View fullsize SRPK01 (SBDY125 JDM) Seiko Thailand announced a pair of new Limited Edition Monsters for the local market. These were the SRPK51 "Storm" with a black case and dial, with blue markings on the bezel, and the SRPK53 "Sunshine" with a golden hour hand, blue minute hand,...
The seller will make you an individualized offer, including shipping costs. Accept the offer to order the item. We will then send you the payment information so you can pay for your order. As soon as your payment arrives, the seller will ship your item. More questions and answers...
本来是想买精工SBDC073的,一直在购物车放着忘了买,后来问客服说是卖完没有了那种款式白色是最 喜欢的,然后蓝色和绿色的也很好看,可惜就是被买完了 找遍了某宝和其它平台都没找到 看来看去,最后选择和它很像的SBDY053,只能退而求其次了,当时心里还是很勉强自己去接受 选来选去,问来问去,纠结了好久,然后因为...